"I'm looking for TJ Holloway."

"Okay...." She clicked the mouse a few times and looked at the computer screen. "Room 45."

"Thank you." I said before searching for the room.

I found the room and saw my friends surrounding Mr. Holloway's bed. Tears streaked Mrs. Holloway's face. I slowly walked in and everyone looked up at me.

"Hi." I said softly. Spencer walked over to me and gave me a hug. "How is he?"

"He's okay for now. But he may be in here for a while."

I walked over to Mr. Holloway's bed. He was hooked up to all types of machines. I wanted to cry seeing him like this.

"Hi Mr. Holloway." I greeted. He gave me a weak smile.

"Hi there Bailey." He said slowly with a hoarse voice. "It's been a while since I've seen you."

"Yeah. I just wish we weren't seeing each other again in this way."

"Me too. But we all knew it was going to catch up with me sometime. We can't fight it off forever."

"No, but it's good to try."

I sat with everyone for a while. A nurse came in twice to check on Mr. Holloway. I'd been here for two hours.

"What happened?" I asked Spencer after a while.

"We don't know. He just couldn't breath all of a sudden. We panicked and brought him here. They said his lungs were giving out. That's why he's on the oxygen. He may need to be put on life support soon."

"This is worst than I thought. I've known Mr. Holloway almost my entire life. I can call him my dad too. I'd be just as sad as you if he leaves us."

"As will I." Kassia said.

"I didn't know him for long, but he's a very nice man I'll be very sad too." Hannah said.

"Let's hope he gets through this."

My cell rang and I took it from my pocket to see Marco's name. I excused myself and stepped out of the room to answer the phone.

"Hey Marco." I said.

"Hi, where are you? No one knows where you are."

"I'm at the hospital with my friends."

"Why? Is everything okay?"

"For now. Spencer's dad is in the hospital."


"He's been dealing with stage four lung cancer for a while. Spencer called me while you were sleep and I hurried to get here. I don't know if I'm sleeping here or coming back late."

"Let me be there with you."

"No. Stay and take care of the twins. I'll be fine here."


"Just stay. I'll call you later. Love you."

"Love you too."

Marco's P.O.V*

Bailey hung up and I put my phone back in my pocket. I sighed and stood up from the couch. I walked into the kitchen with my mom and Mrs. Hartlem.

"Did you get in contact with her?" Mrs. Hartlem asked me.

"Yeah. She says she's at the hospital with her friends. Apparently Spencer's dad is in the hospital."

"Oh no. It must be the cancer. Spencer really needs a few friends right now. It's best she's there for him. Maybe we should all go and give our support."

I Fell For A Gang Member [2]Where stories live. Discover now