Chapter Twelve

Começar do início

“You have really small feet” Zayn commented with a small laugh. Lola looked down at her size three feet and angled her head, not seeing how they could be that small.

“No I don’t!”

“You do. Look at them, they are like midgets feet”

“Pssh, they might be a little on the small size but they could still kick your ass”

“Oh yeah? Is that a threat or a promise?” he teased, recieving a light smack on the arm from Lola. She rose her eyebrows at him, pursing her lips in to avoid grinning like a fool. She laughed and looked down at her watch, noticing how late into the afternoon it had gotten.

“I should probably be going then” she sighed, but was caught by suprise when she looked up, as Zayns lips touched hers.

The initial shock eased and she relaxed into it, feeling her heart rate thumping wildly under her chest and pulse beating throughout her body. Was she supposed to feel like this if she liked him? He really caught her off guard but she was going along with it, testing the waters. His lips were soft, kind of sweet tasting and he kissed her slowly for a few seconds before pulling away gently.

Lola let a small smile grace her lips to give him some encouragement as their noses brushed, Zayn angled his head slightly and pressed their mouths together once more. Lola went along with it, but needed to pull away after a bit longer to take a breather.

“If I say I need to go again will you do that again?” Lola whispered with a laugh, her face still close to Zayns.

“I dunno” he grinned “Try it”

“I really do need to go thou-“

Zayn gave her another peck on the lips and pulled back, standing up. He put his hand out to Lola, who smiled and took it in her grasp. She felt butterflies in her stomach at the feel of Zayn’s fingers entwined with hers, fitting perfectly between the gaps. They headed towards the exit of the park, which led onto one of the main roads. Zayn insisted that he would walk Lola home.

“Owww” she complained again about her shoes rubbing.

“Piggy back?” Zayn asked

“Do you mind?” she cocked her head to the side, practically fluttering her lashes at him.

“Hop on” Zayn said, and Lola jumped up onto his back, locking her legs around his hips.

“Drop me and you’re dead” she joked, arms loosely hanging around his neck.

“No, drop you then catch you” he replied, reaching the gate. Lola hopped down to get out and they stepped onto the main road. They turned the corner by the bushes to take a more secluded route, down the pathways towards Lola’s neighbourhood.

“Well well well” a husky voice came out of nowhere, as Lola was looking at the ground. She gulped as she collided with a hard figure and reluctantly looked up, seeing Harry’s curly silouhetted head looking down at her.

“What do we have here?” he asked, a smirk pulling at his pink lips. Zayn scratched the back of his neck, unsure of what Harry would think of him and Lola hanging out. He didn’t know whether Lola and Harry got on yet, and whether he’d be cool with anything between his best mate and sort of step sister.

“Uhh….so what happened to that girl you were seeing mate?” Zayn changed the subject. Harrys eyes glanced briefly to Lola, silently sending her mental messages telling her to keep her mouth shut.

Zayn didn’t know the girl Harry said he was seeing, was Emma. Emphasis on the word ‘was’. Zayn wouldn’t be happy at all, and it would most likely cause a row between them. Harry saw Emma almost every day for a week after Zayn broke up with her, but got tired of her quickly. He realised it probably wasn’t worth it to go through the effort to get her for himself, when he wasn’t going to keep her.

Damaged Goods. (A Harry Styles Fanic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora