
“Uh huh?” Lola responded, scrunching the leggings up and slipping her ankle through the elasticated leg holes.

“……Have you been.. cutting?”

Lola paused, not expecting that question. She exhaled slowly, her fingertips instinctively brushing over the damaged scarred patch of skin on her thigh. She shut her eyes loosely

“No…I haven’t” she said firmly, before continuing dressing herself. Jackie felt semi helpless that she couldn’t seem to get Lola to open up to her past a certain extent. It was like Lola didn’t trust her sometimes, even after telling her everything about Harry and family troubles.

“Tell me the truth Lola” she sighed.

Lola swallowed and turned around to her, fully dressed now. Her legs looked longer and slimmer clad in tight black and her feet tucked into high patent heels. Lola chewed on her inner lip, attempting to look genuine and confident but inside she just needed to tell her

“There…..was an incident after Sarah’s party” she spoke quietly, looking down at the floor “When I came home, I was alone”

Jackie cocked her head sympathetically. She hated knowing that Lola was still keeping it from her, if she couldn’t tell her about cutting, how could she know that she was being told everything Harry did? What if Lola was still suffering and she wasn’t saying a word to Jackie? Just keeping it to herself, bottling it all up

“Are you sure it’s a good idea to go this party? Especially since Harry’s there…we don’t want a repeat of last t-“

“Jackie, I practically live with him now” Lola interuppted, ruffling her hair and tucking a strand behind her ear. She smoothed out her outfit in the long length mirror, turning to the side to gain another angle perspective “I think i’ve learnt to take care of myself a little bit more around him now. Atleast I hope so”

“Okay….if you’re sure”

“I am. Now I think i’ve left the hairspray in the bathroom. Have a look in my drawer please” she asked, before leaving her bedroom shutting the door behind her. The bathroom was to the left of her room, and the door was slightly ajar, the light on.

Lola pushed it open cautiously, hoping she wasn’t walking in on anyone. She was startled when she was met by Harry standing in front of the mirror, wearing an unbuttoned white shirt and a pair of tight black Tommy Hilfiger boxers. The smell of aftershave lingered in the air, and Harry was spitting toothpaste into the sink.

He shot his head to the door as it opened, seeing Lola standing there looking rather suprised. He wasn’t originally planned to be here tonight, and planned to go straight from his Mum’s to the party. So he assumed Lola was not expecting to meet him in the bathroom, hence why she invited Jackie round to get ready.

Harry ruffled his hands through his tawny curls, he took a brief look at Lola. She was wearing a tailored, smart yet sexy outfit, her blonde hair in long waves and lips stained matte red. Harry felt a hot fizzle of annoyance in his blood just looking at her. He didn’t know why. He couldn’t explain it. Her white ruffle top dipped down slightly, subtley revealing part of her smooth cleavage, attracting the core of Harry’s deep green eyes.

“What are YOU so dressed up for?” he scoffed, seeing her shuffling her ankles together slightly, a nervous habit.

“I’m…..i’m going to the party Harry” she mumbled in response, avoiding his eye contact. He chuckled slightly

“You reeeeally think that’s a good idea?” he asked, buttoning up the bottom few buttons of his shirt. Lola glanced up from beneath her long eyelashes, noticing the faint but definite crevices in Harry’s torso. There were two pink marks underneath his nipples, what he claimed were his third and fourth.

Damaged Goods. (A Harry Styles Fanic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora