“Here you go bro” Lola mumbled sleepily, placing the bowl down in front of him, her voice slightly raspy first thing in the morning.

“Guess what I have today!” Jake grinned excitedly

“What do you have today?”

“Music, so I get to play the drums!” He said scooping a large amount of cereal onto the spoon, too much to fit in his small mouth.

“Monday fun day hey” Lola’s lack of enthusiasm showed in her tone. The weekend seemed to have flown by, barely seeming like an hour since she came home from school on Friday.

“Kids!” Christina entered the kitchen, dressed in her work clothes; usually a feminine suit jacket, black trousers and a blouse. Her blonde hair had been in rollers over night as usually, giving it a wave on the ends ending at her shoulders.

“What” Lola replied monotonously

“You could be a little cheerier this morning Lola! And make sure to brush that mane of yours, you look like you’ve been dragged backwards through a hedge”

“Mum i’ve just woke up” Lola retaliated, biting into a triangular slice of toast.

“Mummy you didn’t buy the cereal with the toy!” Jake whined

“You’re six years old you’re too old for that” she brushed off his complaint coldly “Anyway, I have some news for you regarding me and John”

“Oh god..” Lola widened her eyes, glancing down at Christina’s flat stomach “You’re not…”

“No! No no of course not. It’s much less than that…..we’ve decided…well it’s a little rash I know but we’ve decided that we want to live together”

Lola nearly spat out her food, coughing as it went down the wrong way. “Live together?! You must be joking. You’ve been together for what….two months? And now you want to live together?! Excuse me, cover your ears Jake, but Mother you’re fucking mental”

“Lola Marshall i’d watch that tongue if I were you, you might end up having it cut off” she threatened, reminding Lola of Harrys reply when she called him a twat while they were washing up.

“How exactly are you even going about this?!”

“Well, since John has a bigger place and I was considering moving us out of this house before I was with him anyway, we’ve been discussing me maybe moving into his house”

“Oh so you’re just gonna move now? What about us?! Don’t you realise that we have lives too?!” she pointed between herself and Jake “You’re so selfish, what happens when you break up and we have nowhere to live”

“That’s not going to happen. And use your bloody brain Lola, by ‘me’, I mean we are all going to be moving. You, Jake and me”

“No” Lola bluntly refused, crossing her arms and feeling suddenly a lot more awake “No”

“There’s no point refusing girl, at the end of the day, what I decide goes. Now go get ready for school please”

“No” she repeated in a calm tone “No, it’s too soon. If you’re going to live with John, that’s fine i’ll just go live with Jackie”

“Oh stop being so ridiculous, why must you make everything so difficult?”

“I’m not the one being ridiculous! Mum we only met him three weeks ago and now you want us to move in with him? It’s not fair”

“You’re too young to understand adult relationships. We are very happy together so what’s the problem?” she argued, picking a grape from the bunch hanging over the fruit bowl and putting it in her mouth “This is beneficial in the long run, a good chance for you to have some kind of father figure in your life at last so stop being such a brat and co-operate for once in your life will you? Now, do as I said and go get ready for school”

Damaged Goods. (A Harry Styles Fanic)Where stories live. Discover now