Chapter 29 - Don't Let Me Down

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<George POV>

Angie's eyelids fell and her face lost the life I once saw earlier.

"Don't leave me." I cried.

"I can't afford to loose another one." Paul sniffled.

Ringo came up to us, covered in blood, maybe his own.

"What happened?!" I screamed.

There was a huge gash in his forehead, cuts in his arm, and his hair was sticking up.

"She's- dead. She fought with me. She rolled on her stomach with the knife and killed herself." Ringo said.

"We need to get Annie to the hospital." Paul said.

I felt Angie's heart beat weakening.

"Where's John when ya need 'im?!" I yelled.

Then, John ran across the field with the cops.

"How'd ya find us?" Paul asked.

"Tire marks... AND WHAT HAPPENED TO ANGIE?!!" John bellowed.

The tears rushed back into my eyes.

I stood up, carrying her in my arms.

"Get her into the car right now." I say.

John nods and we all run to the police car and pile in.


The cop turned on the sirens and we raced at 100 miles an hour to the hospital. I held Angie's frail body close to me. The familiar thump of her heart comes to a halt.

"Guys- HER HEART STOPPED!!" I wail.

"We're at the hospital now!" Ringo slurred.

I jumped out of the car and ran inside.

"HER HEART STOPPED!! GET HER A DOCTOR NOW!" I yelled at the nurse.

She nodded, realizing who I was.

They put Angie on a stretcher and lead her into a room. We followed them but the doctor stopped us.

"I'm sorry lads, I know yer 'clusive material but she needs to be 'ministered CPR. And Ringo, go into the room. I'll stitch up yer gashes." The doctor explained.

Ringo walked in, before he could shut the door, I grabbed him by the collar.

"Please make sure she's 'right." I beg him.

"I promise, George. She's not goin' anywhere."

The doctor shut the door and I couldn't take it.

"I can't believe this..." I sobbed.

"I can't loose my little girl."

<Angie POV>

There was this bright light, shining right in my eyes. I saw Ringo at this bridge, and I ran towards him.

"NOOO!!" Ringo grabbed me and dove onto the ground, not letting me on the bridge.

"Dad, what's goin' on?" I whimper.

No reply.

"Dad..?" I ask again.

I get up off of the ground and I didn't see him.

"Where am I?" I wonder aloud.

"Heaven, sweetie." I heard from behind me.

I whip myself around. I saw a boy around my age say. He looked like Dawson, almost.

Dawson!! If I ever see him again i'll kill him!

"H-heaven?" I stammer.

"Yer not dead. Only in a coma." He walked closer to me.

I felt weightless.

"Where's me dad?"

"He's on the earth plane. Watching ya."

<George POV>

I looked at Angie, sleeping or whatever, peacefully. All hooked up with IVs and life support.

"Is she ever goin' to wake up doc?" Ringo asked. His face is all covered up in bandages. His eyes are pink and puffy, just like mine.

The doctor had a solemn face on.

"It was only known for 1 out of 5 to wake up. And usually children don't make it. If she doesn't wake up in less than 6 months, we'd have to cut 'er off and let 'er ... Sleep. Forever."

My breath hitched in my throat.

"Why is she in a bloody coma anyways?!" I cry.

"Like I said, she's only a child. She can't function with all of that blood loss, and the trauma she endured, 'er brain needs to re cooperate. I hope I answered all of yer questions." The doctor walked out of the room and left us in silence.

"I'll stay tonight." I say.

"Me too."

"Me three."

"Me four."

"I'm gonna get me guitar to keep me occupied." I say.

"Grab mine too." Paul said sitting down on the bed, next to Angie.

"Same." John said.

I nodded and walked out.

I pulled out a ciggie and a lighter and took a long drag..

I quickly ran through an alley and entered through the back of the hotel and walked up the 12 flights of stairs.

I laughed to myself, remembering how Angie refused to go on an elevator after what had happened.

I walked up to my room and saw a note.

'Dear Angie and the boys,

I'm really sorry I caused all of this. I knew you guys were going to fire me. So I left to stay with a relative in the city. I'm so very sorry. I hope Angie is well.

- Dawson'

I took the note and crumpled it up.

Angie's going to have a meltdown when she wakes up...

I went into my room and picked up all of our guitars. Then I saw Angie's guitar I gave her for her birthday on my bed. A sob escapes from my lips and I run out.

'Don't think about it George!'

^ I can't she's my little girl^

'She'll be fine! Trust your gut!'

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