Chapter 8 - Because

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<Angie POV>

John, George, Ringo and I sit at the table eating ice cream. "Well I'm goin' to bed lads and lass." John gets up. He kisses my forehead. "G'night princess." He whispers. "G'night Johnny."

"Ringo?" I ponder. "Yes, love?" "Why did ye guys adopt me?" I ask. George and him look at each other. "Well, we wanted to make a kid's life better. So we decided to adopt ye." Ringo said.

"Yeah. When we first saw yer picture, everythin' fell into place." George said. I get up. "Ok." I weakly smile. I kiss George's and Ringo's cheeks. "G'night Geo. G'night Rings." I say warily.

I walk up the stairs to my room. I see Paul sleeping peacefully on my bed. I chuckle lightly. I kiss his cheek. "G'night Paulie." I lay next to him and look up at the blank wall.

I feel like they were lying to me. And I can see right through liars. Why would they lie to me?

I spent the whole night thinking of scenarios of why they adopted me. Scenario 290: there was a rabid squirrel on the loose and they wanted to save an innocent child.

I giggle to myself. I look at the clock on the wall. 8:30 it read. I get up and I go downstairs to make some breakfast. No one is downstairs so I grab flour, chocolate chips, sugar, and some eggs.

I get a frying pan and I mix the ingredients all together an pour individual pancakes on the pan. "Mm smells good Ang." I turn around, frightened. "Oh ye scared me Geo." I smile. "Oh sorry. Can ye make me some too?" He batts his eyelashes and gives me his puppy dog eyes.

"I made some for all of ye." I say. George smiles. I pile some on his plate and some on my plate too. "Ye were lyin' to me last night." I say in between chewing. George stops dead in his tracks. "Angie, we aren't tellin' ye sweetheart for a reason. 'Right?" George says. I nod, letting this case go cold.

"I smell pancakes!" Announces John. I smile. "Here ye are John. " I set a plate full of pancakes on a placemat. He kisses my cheek. "Thank ye princess. Shouldn't we be makin' ye food?" John raises his eyebrows. "Nonsense." I smile. Paul prances down the stairs and yawns. "Mm! Pancakes!!!" Paul cheers.

I place a plate down for him. Paul hums a tune. "And I love her...." He mumbles. "Writin' another award winnin' song eh McCharmly?" John teases. "How 'bout you Lemon? Remember, glasses John!" Paul puts circles over his eyes.

George and I laugh. "Knock, knock I'm comin' in!" A feminine voice says. A girl with dark brown hair comes in. Her smile turns into a frown. "Who's the little squirt?" She spat. I frown. "The little squirt is Ringo's daughter." I say annoyed. Her eyes almost pop out of her skull. "RINGO!" She bellowed. The guys sigh.

Ringo scrambles down the stairs and trips on the last one. I run to his aid. "Are ye alright?" I ask. "Fine Angie." He smiles. "Oh Maureen. Glad to see ye here." His eyes kinda turn distant. "Ringo my darling. I didn't know ye had a.... daughter." Maureen spat with such fury in her tone.

"Uh yeah. My old girlfriend, uh debbie, died in a car crash a while back and she was pregnant with our baby here. Angelina and I took her back from me aunt and uncle." Ringo says.

Maureen stares at me with an ice cold glare. I give her my most fake smile. "Oh Maureen, are those extensions? I've seen them in stores before." I say. Maureen's hands fly up to her hair. The boys snicker. Even Ringo tries to stifle a laugh. "See the little brat- I mean lady has some manners to re- polish." She spat. John stands up to go up to her, but Paul grabs him.

"That's not a way ye should be talkin' to our Angie." George says. "Oh was I rude? Excuse me dearie. I woke up with a dreadful headache." She lie through her teeth. I walk up to her. "Don't push me buttons lady." I scowl.

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