Chapter 13 - What Goes On

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<Angie POV>

I awkwardly eat my GARGANTUAN ice cream Sunday, with all the boys staring at me. "Uh there's nothin' to see here boys." I say. "Uh yeah there is! Yer not sharin'." George wails. "Yeah! I think we need to punish her." John said teasingly.

"No no!" I leap out of my seat and Paul smashed ice cream on my shirt. "Ye butthole!" I yell. I look at his side and I see the ice cream and the whipped cream.

I grab the whipped cream and I squirt it over all of the boys. "Muwahahahahaahahaha!!!" I evilly laugh. "Oh no ye didn't!" Ringo says. "But I did rings! Believe it or not!" I giggle. George licks Ringo's face.

I laugh. "What the hell George?!" Ringo screeches. "Ye taste good, Ringo." He whimpers. Paul and John lick themselves. "No I think I taste better." Paul sassily said. I lick my own fingers.

"No. Ye guys all stand corrected. I TASTE THE BEST!" I say smiling triumphantly. The boys all scramble to me, splattering ice cream and whipped cream all over me. "Great." I groan. They lick my cheeks. "Ewwwww Beatles cooties!!" I scream.

I run over to Brian in the front of the plane. "Brian! They've gone potty!" I say. He sighs putting down his newspaper. The boys scramble to me. "Oh god." I hide next to Brian. "Boys, go clean yer selves up! We're gonna be in Ireland in 20 minutes!" Brian scolded them.

"Yeah we're gonna be in Ireland in 20 minutes." I mimicked Brian. "Oh well... Who's gonna finish the ice cream?" John pondered. "Are ye kiddin' me? I'm gonna eat it!" I say. "Right behind ye Ang!" George said.

We walk back to our seats and George and I dive to the ice cream. We stuff our faces until it was all gone. "Ye guys are to peas in a pod." Ringo laughed. "Uh huh but what 'bout me?" John pouted.

"And me?" Paul showed off his puppy dog eyes. My lip quivers. "Oh I'm sorry Johnny and Paulie. Here lemme give ye a kiss instead." I say smearing whipped cream all over my face. "No no were good!" Paul says covering his face.

I give wet dog kisses on John's face. "I like Princess kisses." He says. I blush.

I head for Paul. I kiss his hands that are covering his face. "Oh alright!" He takes his hands away and I kiss his cheeks.

"What 'bout Ringo here?" I stop kissing Paul and I look at Ringo. "Awh Rings!" I say. I leap into his lap. "I didn't forget 'bout ye!" I squeal. I kiss his cheek. He blushes. "See that! She loves me more!" Ringo boasts.

I huff. "Uh no! I love ye guys all the same!" I retort. "I thought I was yer favorite!" George cried. "Except Georgie! He's mine!" I giggle. George lifts me up off of Ringo's lap and held me bridal style. "See! She loves me more!" George said proudly.

"Who's yer second favorite?" John asks. "Awwww ye guys are makin'

me feel guilty!" I pout. "Ye don't love me!" John fake cries. "Georgie put me down please." I ask him. He puts me down and I run and hug John. "I love all of ye more than the whole wide universe!" I say smiling.

"Really?" Paul batts his eyelashes.

"Duh." I say. They all engulf me in a giant group hug. "I'm- DYIN

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