Chapter 20: Hello Little Girl

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<Angie POV>

I ran to Ringo and George's room swiftly right when I arrived back from the hospital. I looked in the room, checking it to see if George was in there. Coast is clear.

I ran to my suitcase and put on my nightgown and then ran out.

I bumped into someone and I flew back and landed on my bum.

"Oh sorry." I say.

"Oh it's alright. I was in front of ye."


I got up and ran to Paul and John's room. I ran in and shut the door behind me.

"What's the matter?" John asks slipping a white t shirt on.

"Uh just ran into Da- I mean George." I correct myself.

"He's not gonna hurtcha Annie." Paul says.


"The dream was only tryin' to scare ye. And ye let it. It's never gonna happen." John kissed my cheek.

"We're goin' down for a drink. We'll tuck in now." Paul says.

I hop into John's bed and I snuggled into the soft covers.

Paul and John came up and sat on the edge.

"Huggies?" I pout, stretching out my arms.

John and Paul hug me at the same time.

"I love ye Papa and Da da." I say.

"We love ye too Princess." John kissed my forehead and Paul did the same.

They left and locked. the door behind them. I sighed. Men need their time to themselves too. I closed my eyes, and waited for sleep to over come me.



Three, hours passed and I couldn't fall asleep. Too bad the door was locked from the outside.

After awhile, I closed my eyes and dozed off.

<Ringo POV>

I'd never seen someone so scared of George before. Angie's so terrified of him. If only I knew what the dream was actually like for her, and I would experience it firsthand.

"Another Bevvy please." I say.

"Ringo, stop. We have anotha' concert tomorrow." George said.

"Lemme have a night to meself. Please." I say through gritted my teeth.

"Oh no yer mad for somethin' I DIDN'T DO TOO?!" George knocked my new beer down. The glass shatters on the floor and the whole bar goes silent.

"I'm not mad. I'm tired ok!" I yell.

"NOBODY BELIEVES ME NOW 'EY RINGS?! THANKS." George slapped me on the face.

"Sorry 'bout that." He said to the bartender.

"It s'okay." She giggled.

He walked off, all nonchalantly.

"Forget the Bevvy." I say getting up and walking away.

<Angie POV>

I awoke, light streaming onto my face.

I'm gonna see Dawson again today! I smiled goofily to myself and hopped out of bed.

"Crap. Me clothes..." I trail off quietly to myself.

I tip toe to the door and I open it fast, so it wouldn't creak as much. I run swiftly to Ringo and George's room and opened the door. It's like Ringo not to lock his door. I tip toe to my suitcase in there and I dig through it.

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