SIXTEEN: This whole argument was stupid

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Now that I wasn't in such a hurry to talk to Cas, I took my time to admire the Simons' house. It was a three story, old Victorian style home. It had two Greek-like columns at the entrance, holding up the roof of the porch. Green vines curled around the columns, giving the house a good fashion edge.

"What a...lovely home. I had no idea Kelly and George were this rich." My mom gushed.

So that's what their names were? Kelly Simons and George Simons? The front door opened as soon as my mom rang the doorbell. Cas stood there, his caramel hair pushed away from his face in a lazy attempt to brush it. It was still loose and still curled divinely. He wore a blue diamond-pattern vest over a white button-up shirt and brown khaki pants. You'd think that fashion would make him less appealing...but you would be wrong.

"Hello, De La Cruz family." He said, looking at Alejandro uncertainly.

Did he think that was my real dad? Or did he know something was off?

"I'm not a De La Cruz." My step-dad said right away.

"Oh. 'Course. Come in, my parents are waiting for you guys." He stated, his sea-green eyes searching my face.

There was something different about him. Was it the hardened look in his eyes...or the way he had his shoulders squared instead of slouching?

"This," Cas started as we walked down the corridor. "is our home. We welcome you all. My parents...and I as well, have been waiting for this moment to finally properly meet."

I rolled my eyes. He sounded like a stuck-up snobby kid. He should cut that out. My phone vibrated in my purse and I fetched it.

Josh W.: Can't call. Out of minutes. What are you up to?

Uh-oh. I couldn't tell him I was having dinner with the Simons. He'd flip out or at least brush it off a little too quickly. I tuned Cas discussing the history of their home while we walked into the dining room out, and tried to come up with a reply.

Me: Having dinner with some friends of my mom. 

It wasn't a lie, right?

Josh W.: Ok. I'll talk to you later then. Love ya.

Me: Me too. 

I quickly put my phone away as Mrs. Simons gave each of us a quick hug and Mr. Simons nodded in acknowledgment. Cas stood stiffly beside his father, his eyes glued on me. I shifted uncomfortably in my sparkly flats. I was wearing a waist-high, white, flowy skirt--the kind the girls at my school liked to wear--and a black flower-print blouse. So uncomfortable. I'd take singing in front of a million people to wearing this any day.

"Well, let's get dinner started, shall we?" Mrs. Simons exclaimed, her fragile frame looking close to breaking by how tightly she was holding onto Cas' shoulders.

I saw Cas stiffen more. His mom's fingers dug into his shoulders as she shot him a warning look. What was that all about? I hadn't seen them in a month and already they acted like those perfect-A model families on TV.


Dinner went horribly wrong. My brother refused to answer any questions and my mom turned redder every second that went by. The Simons' still acted as fake as plastic barbie couples and their son had his jaw set angrily. Alejandro looked like he wanted to crawl under the table and I resisted the urge to do the same. After some servants--which I had no idea where they came from--took our plates away, Mrs. Simons told Cas to show me the garden. Cas grunted and gestured for me to follow. Once we were away from them, he exhaled slowly and began losing his straight form. He slouched and ruffled his hair up. I had to tear my gaze away before I ended up staring at him dumbly.

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