My head spins.

This couldn't be right.

What are the chances that we picked the same colors as the stones on the amulet?

I shake the thought away, joining the group.

They smile at the sight of me.

All of us together.

It was a great thought.

Yet weird considering I'm not really used to people caring and worrying like these guys do for each other.

It would be nice to join their group, finally have a house, not a cave.

But first we gotta destroy that block.

"Right. We need to distract it!" Gabriel says, almost sounding like himself, we all lturn to him just as a growl fills the air.

At the sound Gabriel runs I nthe wrong direction.

"And he's running the wrong way." Xle mutters.

Ellegaurd and Magnus grumble to themselves.

"We'll go after him." They say at the same time before taking off after the memoryless fighter.

So much for the rouge and the engineer.

"Alright, let's get into that fortress and finish this for good." Jessie states.

Axle stops her.

"One problem. The Endermen. They aren't angry enough." He states.

Olivia and Jessie's eyes light up with the same idea.

They turn to each other.

"Then let's get them mad." They say at the sake time.

We are standing in front of the storm now, unable to take in all three.

"No. We shouldn't be here." Soren shakes.

Jessie quirks her eyebrow.

"Soren? What are you doing?" Jessie asks as he backs away.

Without another word he runs away.

"Soren! You're such a coward!" She shouts after him.

Ivor frowns.

"I can't let him get himself killed!" He shouts, running after the strange man.

Jessie gapes, shaking her head.

"So much for the order of the stone." Axle mutters.

Olivia can't believe it.

"Who cares? We can do this without them." She states, making us nod.

Each of us puts out a hand into the middle, having them touch.

"No matter what, all that matters is finishing the storm." She states.

We all nod, throwing our hands up in the air.

Next thing I know we are running through the haunting of Endermen, purposely looking at them and leading them into the beams.

Jessie runs through the crowds, looking at every single one she passes, making me gape.

Man, she was one brave girl.

She gets all the ones chacing her into a beam by rolling under it in time to not get pulled into the air.

We do that until there is a large hole in the storm, leading directly inside of it.

"Right. Let's go." I say, pointing it out.

The others nod, making us all run to the large platform.

We start to empty our pickets, seeing what we have.

"Who's up for a rocket minecart?" Axle inquires, making me nod.

Jessie nods, but before we can start building, Olivia gets pulled into the air.

"Axle!" She yelps.

Axle takes hold of her foot, only to be pulled into the air himself.

Jessie and I take hold of his feet, trying to pull them down.

"We can't hold them like this! We are all going to be taken up into the storm!" She cries, making me struggle even harder to pull them down.

I hated to admit it, but she was right.

If we didn't build the rocket soon, the hole would close up and we would have lost our chance.

"You guys need some help?" Lauks' voice carries through the fortress.

We turn our heads to the side, seeing him and the ocelots standing there in all their 'glory'.

But honestly?

I couldn't have been happier to see them.

"Ocelots! Attack that Wither Storm!" Lukas orders.

They all take out fireworks, running around the fortress and firing them off while they avoid the beams.

The beam we are caught in disappears, letting us fall to the ground.

Lukas looks shocked to see Jessie, but she nods her thanks.

"Thank you." Olivia states, pickup the blocks she dropped.

He nods before joining his group to help distract the storm.

We build as if we had the speed of lightning, having it finished in moments.

Jessie and I stand on the cart, ready to fly into the storm.

A nerve strikes through me.

Do I really want to do this?

Jessie shakes the same look as me.

I take her hand in mine, squeasing it to help her, and me get over this.

"Together?" I whisper, making her look away from the storm.

Her eyes harden.

"Together." She states, flipping the lever.

Together we go down the slope, hands still linked as the TNT explodes and we fly through the air.


Hey guys! I hope you liked the chapter! I literally wrote this in 75 minuets. Lol, I love highschool classes. I'll try to post soon!


When She Went To ThemHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin