Yama the Spy

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(This is Yama the spy. And I did not draw this)

Today was the day! Finally! The limited edition Fantasy world cards were here! People all over the world were buying these new cards and using them in the Fantasy world game. Hype was everywhere just like how oxygen is all around us. Anyway, it was a Saturday night. A kid named Zack Diamond was at his brother Josh's house about to play the card game.

"Ready?" Said Zack's brother.

"Yes I'm ready Josh" replied Zack as he placed his deck on the floor and got out his 2 users.

"Let's begin!" Said Josh as he got out his 2 users.

Zack chose his 2 favourite users. Yama the spy (500 strength, 1000 energy and 500 defence) and Jane the Cyborg. (1300 strength, 2000 energy and 1000 defence). Yama was a ninja user and Jane was a marksman and a machine user. (you can only have 2 or 1 user type on each user card) Josh got out his users. Killer Z and Shot gal. Killer Z was a ghoul and Shot gal was a marksman. Or a markswoman.

"You use those cards all the time bro" said Josh.

"Hey! I like them ok? They mean a lot to me" replied Zack.

"Whatever. My marksman attacks your Cyborg. And she looses more than half her health thanks to my marksman's special ability. Shot gal gains 700 plus strength during this attack. Sadly, this means that She is all out of magic so she won't be able to use her ability again. You're defence of 1000 is now gone and her 2000 energy is now 800 on her" he said.

"Agh! No I can't loose! I'm not bad at this game!" Shouted Zack.

"Calm down. It's just a game. Now my Killer Z uses its possession ability. I can't attack with Killer Z and I used all his magic but I can take control of one of your users. I choose the ninja! And now your Yama ninja attacks with 500 strength. Your Cyborg now has only 300. Sadly, I can't activate its ability so my turn in now ended. You get your precious Yama back" said Josh as he gave him the card.

Zack looked very upset. He has never won a Fantasy world game before. He only just started a week ago but he felt annoyed that he is terrible at the game. He couldn't accept it.

"I won't give up!" Zack shouted with Courage.

It was now his go. He drew 2 cards. He looked at his users.

"I active my fuel supply called defensive gift. Yama has kindly given Jane his 600 defence" he said.

"Next, my ninja attacks your ghoul with 500 strength. I then active his ability. I can attack 2 more times. Now your ghoul only has 200 Energy. Now Jane then attacks the ghoul and is now dead. Or destroyed since he's a ghost. Your move" said Zack as he smiled.

He could win this! Every move counts! Josh drew 2 cards. He had a devilish smile spread across his face.

"I activate my fuel supply. Must I mention there are 2 types of fuel supplies? One that affects my users and one that affects the opponents users? Well... This fuel supply I'm using is going to weaken your users! Their energy is now halved this turn. However, the damage I deal to your users will be gone next turn. In other words, the damage I deal here will not affect your monsters next turn if they live" said Josh.

"W-what!?!" Said Zack.

"Then I activate another fuel supply. Shot gal has got her magic back. Now I activate her ability to end the ninja! Shot gal! Destroy Yama!" Said Josh.

"N-no... He's lost all his energy..." Said Zack.

"Your move!" Said Josh.

Zack drew two more cards.

"Time to end this! I activate my fuel supply. Jane now has triple strength. But I can only activate this if one of my users was killed last turn. With her strength, your marksman has lost its energy. I win!" Said Zack with pride.

"Oh it's not over... I got one last trick!" Said Josh.

"No way! All your users are gone! You can't have more than 2 if you're going against my 2 that's not fair!" Said Zack.

"If every user is dead... All their life energy is combined into something called a supreme user! Now... Come fourth Neo X!" Said Josh as he pleased his supreme user on the field.

Zack watched in horror as he was to lose yet again...

(Was the game easy to understand? If not then I'm sorry)

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