"byways, highways, freeways, im always yours

smoke billowing from your blue eyes that got me from the start

planes glowing bright in the distance

were rising high"

"im love sick and i just can't be healed

it happened so quick, now im head over heals

for you cause you're the love of my heart

you're the match and we're spark we're fire

we light up the dark (2x)"

I fell asleep before I sang the next line...


Cody's P.O.V

I looked at my phone and a smile drew across my face when I saw my wallpaper....It's me with Keith kissing on my cheek...We took this photo a year before I became famous..Like Greyson, I'm on a break on my career..They said I need to enjoy my life as a normal kid...I was grinning like a lost fool when Alli came in..

Alli: Brother we're going on some kind of a celebration...

Me: When?

Alli: This Sunday...

Me: Fine with me...

Alli: But here's the catch...You have to bring a date...

Me: (quickly stands up) Say again?

Alli: A date Cody, A date...You need to bring one..

Me: Lemme guess, you already have one...

Alli: Why of course dear brother....Christian said he would be my date for the celebration...

Me: Christian as in Beadles?

Alli: Yup...

Me: Great who the hell I'm suppose to as-

Alli: How about Keith?

Me: (smiles) Alli, I'm so glad your my sister...

Alli: Thank You...

Me: (standing up) I need to go now...

I walk continuously and finally found myself in front of Keith's house...Well here goes nothing...I knock on the door...I could hear someone coming over...

Keith: Cody!! Isn't it a bit late?

Me: Umm...Can I talk to you for minute?

Keith: (stepping outside) Umm sure..What is it?

Me: Well there's this celebration that we're going to attend to...And I was wondering if you coud be my umm..D-Date? I-I mean since it requires that you need to bring a da-

Keith: Sure..No biggie..When is it?

Me: This Sunday on the evening...

Keih: Cool...I'll be your Date...(smiles)

Me: (blushing) R-Really? Awesome!!

Keith: Okay then Prince Charming you can sweep me away from my feet on Sunday...

Me: I'll be right on time to deliver your glass slippers (smiles) Goodnight

Keith: Sweet Dreams Cody...(closes door)

A huge smile was formed on my face..I randomly hugged a man across the street...I kissed my Dad and Mom on the cheek...Squeezed Tom and Alli tight....and dance around like a crazy man...

Brad: Seriously What's up with him?

Angie: I don't know...really...

Alli: Let him be...He's kinda having a moment right now..You wouldn't want to destroy it...

Brad and Angie: Oh...


Keith's P.O.V

As I closed the door I quickly took a peek on Cody....I laugh hard when I saw him hugged a random man across the street...He really knew how to make me laugh too XD..Well I can't for Saturday and Sunday to come..This is going to be a busy weekend...I looked at the calendar in the living room..If today's Wednesday then here's the schedule:

THURSDAY : Beach with friends XD

FRIDAY: Fishing with Dad and and Kevin

SATURDAY: Lunch with Greyson

SUNDAY: Be Cody's Date for a celebration...

Busy..Busy..Busy...Good thing I'm an energetic person...If not then I'm completely stressed out...Hey but it's fun...So this ends here for today...Imma go eat dinner with my family now...BYE XD

My Kind Of Perfect [Greyson Chance and Cody Simpson]Where stories live. Discover now