Forgetton Realms - Goods & Services (Gear Of The Waters)

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Forgetton Realms
Goods & Services
Gear Of The Waters

Air Plant: The air plant is a bizarre form of pond vegetation whose spongy structure produces and stores air, keeping the plant at the surface so it can receive adequate light. This mass remains alive and continues to produce air even after being cut from the plant, provided it is kept moist and well lit. When placed in the mouth, a fist-sized piece of this material can provide enough air to sustain a Medium air-breathing creature for 5 minutes. After that time, the submerged creature must begin holding its breath and risks drowning. The air plant dies after use and can't be recharged - another portion must be procured.

Float Bladder: This is an emergency flotation device for those who find themselves cast overboard. It can also be used to support a non-swimmer being assisted through water. A float bladder is a sack of oiled hide that can be filled with air. It has a long neck that is knotted shut after filling and ropes or straps to fasten it to the wearer. A float bladder can keep afloat one Medium creature. Treat this as a leather object (hardness 2); if it takes 5 or more points of damage, the skin is punctured. The round after puncturing, the user must begin making Swim checks to remain afloat. A punctured or deflated float bladder is a burden to a swimmer, imposing a -2 penalty on Swim checks if it is not removed.

Sextant: A sextant is a sophisticated device used to determine a vessel's position by measuring the angle formed by the sun or stars and the horizon. It uses mirrors and carefully graduated scales to sight a heavenly body, whose position is compared to a listing in an almanac for the day and year of measurement. A sextant grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (geography) checks to set and hold course.

Swimming Goggles: This is a leather frame containing a clear piece of glass (sometimes two) made to fit tightly over the eyes. Wearing a set of swimming goggles improves visibility underwater. In clear water, the wearer's vision extends to 6d8x10 feet. Swimming goggles don't make it any easier to see through murky or fast-moving water.

Hat, Bicorne: A bicorne is a semicircular hat usually worn by captains and admirals. It is braided and showy the better to call out the high rank of its wearer.

Hat, Tricorne: A tricorne is the classic three-cornered hat. It is generally worn by the upper classes and can be both civilian and military garb. A tricorne can range from a simple leather or felt version to a very fancy silk item with leather. The price given here is for a well-made felt tricorne.

Oilskin Suit: Inhabitants of rainy climates and misty seacoasts, and those who make their living from the sea, need reliable clothing to keep out the dampness and chill. An oilskin suit consists of high boots, heavy trousers, a long coat or cape, and a wide-brimmed hat. These garments are made heavy-duty cloth such as cotton or linen, then waterproofed with flaxseed oil.

Stinkpot: This is a simple chemical weapon, consisting of a clay jar filled with a mix of noxious substances. When set alight, the mixture produces a foul-smelling smoke fills a 10-foot cube (as a fog cloud spell, except that a moderate or stronger wind disperses the smoke in 1 round). Fa living creature within the smoke must succeed on a 15 Fortitude save or become sickened as long as it remains and for 1d4+1 rounds after it leaves. Each round a creature remains within the smoke, it must make another save.
The pot's contents are consumed in 3 rounds, and vapors disperse naturally. lighting a stinkpot is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Adventuring Gear Cost Weight
Float bladder. 10 gp 3 lb.
Swimming goggles 15 gp 1/2 lb.
Clothing Cost Weight
Hat, bicorne¹ 50 gp 1 lb.
Hat, tricorne¹ 15 gp 1 lb.
Oilskin suit 10 gp 10 lb.
Tools and Skill Kits Cost Weight
Sextant 250 gp 10 lb.

Special Substances and Items Cost Craft (Alchemy) DC Weight
Air plant 25 gp - -
Stinkpot 50 gp 20 1 lb.
- No weight, or no weight worth noting.
¹These items weigh one-quarter this amount when made for Small characters.

Anything I should add, change, and/or delete. This is a wiki of sorts.

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