Forgetton Realms - Goods & Services (Gear for Greeners)

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Forgetton Realms
Goods & Services
Gear for Greeners

Rangers don't need a lot of equipment to survive in the wilderness, but over the years, many have developed items specifically useful to life in the wilds. Druids and rogues also find these specialty tools handy.

Camouflage Clothes: Made in three different color combinations, these clothes help to disguise the body's form and make the wearer harder to pick out of his surroundings. These full-body suits grant a +2 circumstance bonus on a wearer's Hide checks while he is in an area the camouflage blends with. The forest pattern has a mix of greens, browns, and blacks that provides its bonus in forest and marsh terrains. The desert pattern consists of dark and light tans with irregular black or blue shapes that provides its bonus in desert and plains terrains. The mountain pattern consists of a white background with black, gray, and green shapes and provides its bonus in hills, mountains, and underground terrains. The listed price for camouflage clothes is for one set suited to a specific terrain (see the terrain types).

Compass, Magnetic: This palm-sized device is made up of a wooden block with a metal needle mounted on a tiny metal post. The needle spins freely, and always points north unless obstructed or within 10 feet of 50 pounds or more of ferrous metal (such as iron and steel).

Crookneck Lantern: This leather-wrapped metal tube has a shorter glass-covered metal tube at one end. Small mirrors inside the lantern reflect and intensify the light shed by the candle held within the main body. Shrouded air holes line the top and bottom of both tubes. The crookneck lantern also has a weight at the bottom of the main tube so it can be set down and not fall over. The crookneck lantern clearly illuminates a 60-foot-long, 5-foot-wide line and provides shadowy illumination in a 100-foot cone (with the illuminating line in the center of the cone). A single candle burns for 1 hour.

Duster Coat: Made of heavy oiled canvas, the duster is a long coat that reaches to the wearer's ankles. Twin rows of buttons run the length of the front of the coat, and when all of them are fastened the wearer is wrapped in a nearly water- proof shell. A fully fastened duster provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks made to gain a bonus against the effects of severe weather and on saves against severe weather, but it also imposes a -1 armor check penalty.

Finger Chain Saw: A narrow-gauge steel chain covered with small teeth links a metal loop on either end of it. The user simply throws the chain over a branch and pulls back and forth on each end of the chain. It cuts through 2 inches of soft wood and 1 inch of hard wood in 1 round. A finger chain saw is ineffective as a weapon.

Kayak, Inflatable: Made of thick but pliant leather forming several air bladders, this vessel looks and acts like a normal kayak once inflated. One character can inflate the kayak in 20 minutes. There are two inflating tubes, so two characters can inflate it in 10 minutes. The inflatable kayak holds one Medium creature plus 100 pounds of gear. By pulling the plugs on the air bladders, the kayak deflates in 5 minutes and can then be folded and carried in a standard backpack.

The inflatable kayak comes with a short paddle that breaks down for easy storage.

Vest, Tactical: This light vest has a number of pouches and loops covering its front and back. A tactical vest is usually made of green or black canvas. It can hold up to 10 pounds of gear, no single item of which can weigh more than 2 pounds. Any item stored in a tactical vest can be retrieved without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Waking Herbs: When waved under the nose ot someone unconscious or asleep (even through magical means), these herbs allow the unconscious or sleeping character another saving throw (made at the original DC) to wake up. After three uses, these herbs lose their effectiveness and must be replaced.

Item Cost Weight
Camouflage clothes 150 gp 6 lb.
Compass, magnetic 100 gp 1/2 lb.
Crookneck lantern 9 gp 1 lb
Duster coat 25 gp 7 lb.
Finger chain saw 5 gp -
Kayak, inflatable 150 gp 35 lb.
Vest, tactical 5 gp 2 lb.
Waking herbs 30 gp -

Anything I should add, change/or delete. This is a wiki of sorts.

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