Forgetton Realms - Goods & Services (Planar)

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Forgetton Realms
Goods & Services

Why settle for a chariot when you can purchase an ethereal tunneler or a gate zeppelin? By using the vehicles described here, characters can go anywhere - assuming they have the cash to pay for such an extravagance.

Astral Skiff: Huge vehicle; Profession (sailor) +0; Spd fly 120 ft. (average); Overall AC 3; Section hp 40 (hardness 10); Section AC 3; Ram 4d8; Face 15 ft. by 5 ft.; Height loft.; SA ramming; Crew 1 (carries 3); Cargo 1 ton (Spd 100 ft. if carrying 1/2 ton or more); Cost 10,000 gp.

On the Astral Plane, githyanki commonly wage war from astral ships. Such vessels range in size from those large enough for a, single squad of soldiers (the astral skiff) to those far larger. Powered by magic sails that catch the motion of astral energies, these ships are normally useless on the Material Plane, where no such arcane winds blow. However, the vehicle is ideal for journeys on the infinite Astral Plane itself.

Ethereal Tunneler: Huge vehicle; Profession (miner) +4; Spd burrow to ft. (clumsy); Overall AC 3; Section hp 40/120 (hardness 20/5); Section AC 3; Ram 10d6; Face 10 ft. by 20 ft.; Height 10 ft.; SA ramming; SQ steering mechanism triggers ethereal jaunt on vehicle and all passengers 1/day for up to 20 rounds; Crew 5 (plus 10 soldiers); Cost 140,000 gp.

This tank-like vehicle slowly digs tunnels through earth - and when solid stone stymies it, the vehicle can briefly shift into the Ethereal Plane. When not tunneling into otherwise sealed regions of earth or past undefeatable defenses, an ethereal tunneler can be used for outright warfare. The vehicle is adamantine-armored and large enough to accommodate a squad of 10 soldiers. Its treads have been magically animated to provide propulsion at the direction of the crew, who pull levers while they watch the earth for signs of cave-ins. The massive drill at the front is better than a ramming prow; an ethereal tunneler never takes damage from rams it initiates.

Gate Zeppelin: Colossal vehicle; Profession (pilot) -4; Spd fly 40 ft. (nautical average); Overall AC -3; Section hp 30 (hardness 5); Section AC 3; Rigging 200 hp (hardness 0), AC 1; Ram 4d6; Face 40 ft. by 10 ft.; Height 10 ft; SA ramming; SQ steering mechanism triggers gate 1/day through which zeppelin may pass (after which the gate closes); Crew 10; Cargo 10 tons (Spd 20 ft. if carrying 5 tons or more); Cost 160,000 gp.

A zeppelin relies on hot air trapped in a massive balloon for lift and animated propellers for propulsion. The balloon that provides lift is segmented so that one puncture isn't disastrous. Zeppelins have no minimum forward speed, and they can hover. A mechanism in the captain's cabin can trigger a gate-like opening once per day that allows planar travel.

Living Astral Ship: CR -; Colossal construct; HD 8d10 + 1d10 per 10 feet of length; Init as the pilot - 4; Spd as the pilot (+30 ft. with psychic sails) on the Astral Plane, fly 50 ft. (poor) in a gravity well; AC varies (-8 size, +1 natural per HD); At as cleric of level equal to the ship's HD; Space/Reach 30 ft/10 ft. (or as ram); SA ram, mounted weapons; SQ construct traits, hardness; Al n/a; SV as commoner of level equal to the ship's HD, with no ability score modifiers.

Construct Traits: like most constructs, living astral ships have immunity to mind-affecting spells and abilities, poison, disease, and similar effects. They are not subject to extra damage from critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Hardness: A living astral ship is usually composed of different materials but has an overall hardness of 5 to 10. An astral ship composed mainly of wood might have hardness 5, while an astral ship made of iron would have hardness 10.

Mounted Weapons: A living astral ship can be fitted with heavy catapults, light catapults, and ballistas. An astral ship can have one mounted weapon for every 2 Hit Dice it possesses, although nonmilitary astral ships typically forgo a full array of weapons in favor of having cargo space. A heavy catapult counts as two weapons for the purpose of determining how many weapons an astral ship can carry.

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