He leads the way down the aisles into a room which marks Employees Only. I gulp, as Liane whispers, "Mommy, where are we going?"

I shush her. "We're going to be okay," I promise, although I'm not sure about it. Alex is hot at my heels, and Ben is following behind. What if he gets away? The blame will be on Alex, and only Alex. But to prove my point, somehow, he moves forward, going into the unwelcome room first.

It has three spinning, leather chairs, two windows that are curtained, a light, and a desk with a lamp on top and a bunch of files. "Sit." He motions. He's not lanky, he's actually buff, which is unusual for a employee his age. Ben goes toward a chair, but stubs his toe in the process. "Fuck, ow!" He growls under his breath, rubbing his shoe, and plopping into the chair with a sour expression on his face.

Well, I've always believed in karma.

We all do as he commands, including Liane and I, except for Alex. He leans against the wall, letting Liane plop into the leather chair beside me. I hang a protective arm around her, and face my back to Ben. "This is an extremely violet event that just took place, and cannot be tolerated in a superstore like this where people come by everyday for their needs." The employer starts, shaking his head. He's quite scary, buff, and looks so well fed than the other employees working around here. It's slightly suspicious, I suppose, but right know I have to deal with this shit.

"Yes, we know, and we're extremely sorry. But if you check on the security footage, even, you'll see that this, this..man, over here, was harassing my daughter. Alex just tried to help. It was self defence." I mean to say, but, all that comes out of my dry, chapped and gaping lips is, "It's not our fault." And I can only gesture to my scared daughter, who I hang an arm around, protectively.

I can't believe this is happening. I'm in a small room, with two people that I hate right now, one that left me, and one that used to be my boyfriend, childhood friend, and lover's best friend, but turned into a girl and bed hungry, insane man who got me pregnant and left me to suffer with a child I didn't want or need whatsoever. This man took my life. Now, when i was all settled and satisfied, slightly, with my life and most importantly the souvenir he gave me, he came back into my life and now wants to take the souvenir back, or do something with it. I don't know what he wants, but I won't let him take my baby away from me. Never. Ever.

"Yes, I understand, but I also need his side of the story." The employee informs me firmly, and faces Ben.

"Well, I was just walking down the aisle, and this man just attacked me. He just shoved me into the shelf." Ben explains in a very unusually calm tone. I furrow my eyebrows as Liane clutches my arm, her eyes glassy and scared.

"No, he's lying. I can assure you, this f*cking retard was harassing this little girl!" Alex's tone is rushed, not calm, and furious, opposite to Ben's. The employee stands up, silencing him.

"Alright, alright. Calm down. We're going to go see in the security footage room and see what we can find about this. Follow me," he demands, and as he passes by me, I read his name tag, Henry.

We all follow Henry in silence, but Alex keeps on glancing at Ben with rage in his eyes. I don't know why he defended me, or Liane. They both exited my life like it was no big deal, both leaving me two little presents; and endless hole in my heart, and a big belly.

Why does it seem like my life has endless remorse and grief?

"Here we are," Henry points to the small, grey and old door near the back of the store, just at the corner, near the plants and and outdoor decor. "Ladies first,"

My hearts skips a beat as I'm lead into the room, Liane clutching my hand so hard that her knuckles are white. "It's going to be okay," I whisper to her, and she looks up at me with glassy eyes and messy hair, and her lips that once were curved into a smile.

"Okay." She whispers back, but we both know that we can't guarantee it.

Henry opens the door, and Alex is hot on my heels as we enter the security room. There are some computers with separate desks, but no one in sight. "Hello?" I call, but my voice is ragged as if I've been crying, which I have.

"Well, would you look at that!" Is all I hear, and then the darkness of my life that was once outshone by my daughter has returned, and swept over me.

Because, right then and there, a big, muscular arm that is Henry's, grabs my daughter, his grip steel, and in between the screams of my little girl and the gasps of me and Alex, no one can do anything, for this just happens so fast, and then, the world is so dark, that even the lights above can't fix anything.


hey, guys!

How are you all? i missed you guys loads! I do sincerely apologize for how the chapter was late, and I've been meaning to update for so long, but school has been so busy and also introducing a much hated character back into the book is pretty hard, and I wanted a perfect chapter full of actin for you guys! So, it took me some time to come up with this chapter but here you go!

comment down below what you think! and I did stub ben's toe, as promised :))

vote, comment and share!

love you all to the moon, and back!


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