"Same here. Goodbye."

"Bye," I say, as she starts walking away from me.

I just stay standing there, trying my best to come up with conclusions. Well, it turns out I found her when I wasn't even looking for her. I have to see her again, now that I realize that she has the other half of the necklace. Thankfully, I acted fast, and...I put my right hand in the pocket of my pants, and take out a white card, a card I secretly took from her wallet when I had it in my hands, a business card, which has her number. I've come to the conclusion that there is just one thing I have to do...and that is call her, ask her out, and try to convince her that there is something going on about us that we don't know...and we must find out what it is.

Mayim's POV

I sit at the table of the small cafe I'll be meeting Jason in, and ask for a cup of decaf coffee while I wait. I can't really hide my completely devastated and teary face right now, as Jim told me that he found Amelie already, but I'm the only one who knows that—

"Hi, Mayim!" says Jason in a cheerful way.

"Jason!" I say, standing up. "Hi!"

We hug, since we haven't seen each other in a very long time.

"How have you been?" he asks, as we take a seat.

"Fine, fine. You?"

"Same, thanks," he says, as he takes a quick glance at his phone. "Anyways...you're here, Jim expects things, what should we do? We must plan something huge to have them meet, something like..."

"Jason," I interrupt with a sort of broken voice, though he doesn't stop talking, since he isn't looking at me.

"Just have them walk into..."

"Jason," I insist again, though I guess he's probably not listening.

"But it can't be very—"

"Jason!!!!!" I finally say, almost getting to the point of shouting.

He stops talking, and stares at me with a pair of confused eyes. "Yes?"

"I don't have good news," I say, looking down at the ground and trying to contain the tears.

"Why? What happened?" he asks, suddenly curious.

"Jim...Jim and Amelie met already."

Jason gasps, and I see that he smiles brightly. "How is that bad news????!!!!!!!!" he asks cheerfully.

"Because there's a problem."

"What? What problem?" he adds, now sounding a little, sort of... angry, I could say.

"Do you remember when I told you that when they met they should recover their memories immediately, and if they didn't that meant that at least one of them has found a stronger love, and those memories would now never be recovered?"

"Yyyyeeeessss?" says Jason, a little confused, but sounding a bit scared.

"Well...they didn't," I say, fighting the cracking of my voice. "They met, they talked to each other for quite some time, Jason...and they don't...remember...a thing."

Amelie's POV

I take one last, quick look at the article I just wrote, since I'm about to show it to Marianne. The picture of Colin and I that rests on my desk flashes across my eyes, making me feel...strange. I've been dizzy, very very dizzy, and the pain in my head was like it had never been this morning when I finished talking to Jim. It's like if that man had some influence on it, though it's ridiculous of me to think like that.

Unconditional (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now