Chapter Thirty-Six

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***Todd's POV***

The fight between Rayne and Greg

back in the cafeteria was pretty intense.

But, I'm kinda glad that happened.  I got

to talk to Greg for all of the gym time.  Well,

he talked, I wrote.  Does that make me a

horrible person because I'm happy they

got in a fight just so I could spend some

alone time with Greg.  It does.  I was a 

horrible person to begin with.  Now, I'm

even worse.


Me and Greg sat in the back corner of

the gym and we just started to talk.  "So,

Todd, what do you do for fun outside of

this place?"  I usually just sit around

and text people while I listen to

music.  My life isn't that exciting.  It's

just horrible.  He looksat me with sad eyes and

smiles.  He grabs my hand and pulls it up to his

lips.  He kisses it and looks at me, "I'm sorry.  

We are gonna hang out as soon as you get outta

here."  Then, he starts to talk in a voice that just

makes my die of laughter.  "Girl, we is gon go to

the mall and we gon buy some shoes.  Yes, baby!"

He later tells me he was impersonating Miles Jai,

his favorite YouTuber.  I have never heard of

him.  But, from what Greg tells me, he is a guy who

dresses up like a girl and is gay.  Greg has a lot to

teach me.  I also find out he is transgender.  I kinda

figured that.  His nails are purple and perfectly filed.

I don't mind that.  I have always been kind of curious

what it would be like to wear makeup and dress like

a girl.  Greg told me he would have to give me a makeover.

Greg is just ... so prefect.  I think I'm falling for him.  But,

I can't ever EVER tell him this.  After a while of sitting

here laughing and talking more about makeup and all

things fabulous, Greg looks at me with a serious face, "Do

you think I should forgive him?"  My heart sank.  There

goes my chance.  I think that you should do whatever

your heart tells you to do, Greg.  He then looks up from

my notebook and just looks at me for a second.  He pushes

my hair out my face and then, he kisses me.  I kiss him back

but then he pulls away.  We hear everyone calling us to

leave.  Greg runs as fast as he can away from me.  

Rayne left a little while ago.  I don't know why, but

now I don't really care.  Greg just kissed me.  HE FUCKING

KISSED ME!!!  It wasn't how I thought it would be, but ...

I don't really know how to feel about this.  He kissed me

and ran away.  Was it me?


When we get back to the boy's wing of the building,

he was walking back to the room.  I was trying to run up to

catch up to him, but the room was all the was down

the hall.  I hear him yell Rayne's name, and I start to panic.  

I run faster to the room and when I get there, I see Rayne,

with a pillow tightly wrapped around his head with

tape and at the bottom of the pillow I saw plastic wrap.  

Rayne tried to commit suicide.

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