Chapter Twelve

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I get pulled

with 9 other

people who I

don't know.  I

don't know where

I'm going.  And,

to be honest,

I'm panicking.

I don't want to

be away from 

Greg.  I can't be

away from him.

Woah, wait.  Why?

I mean, I like him

a lot.  But, why

can't I be away

from him?  Is

this what realizing

you're falling in

love (for real)?

I did love Zak, but

what I feel for Greg

is completely different.

I don't know.  I have

to thing this one

over.  We go into this

room on the other

side of the building.

It looks like people

have meetings in here.

Weird.  Is this a 

meeting?  Well, if

it is, I'm not

prepared to 

present my


"Hello," a nice voice says, "my name is Andrea, and this is DWA group."  

DWA?  What's that?  I'm about to ask this when this guy beats me to it.  

" 'Scuse me, ma'am," he sounds like he's not from around here, "What's

DWA mean?"  She doesn't hesitate to respond, "Dealing With Addiction."  

So, this group is about drugs.  Interesting.  "Okay, well, let's get started,"  

she pauses and looks at me, "What's your name sweetie?"  Ugh.  Great.  

Me first.  I feel everyones' eyes puncturing me.  I feel that the walls are

caving in.  I think I'm going to pass out.  Somehow, I answer, "R-Rayne."  

She takes a brief pause, "Okay, Rayne.  What I want you to do is answer

me a few questions.  How old are you?"  "15."  "Where do you go to school?"

"Pittsburgh, but I just moved to Youngstown a month ago."  "Okay, have

you ever tried drugs and/or alcohol?"  "Yeah."  "What have you tried,

hun?"  "I do weed, tried cocaine once, and I drink often."  "When's the

last time you used any of them?"  I knew this question would get asked.  

I haven't smoked weed since I was with Zak.  But, I still get drunk often.  

"Weed - 3 months.  Alcohol - 4 days."  "Why are you here, Rayne?"  Gulp.

"Overdosing and cutting."  "What did you overdose on?"  "Painkillers."

"What kind, do you know?"  "No."  "How long have you done painkillers?"

"This was the first time."  "How long have you been cutting yourself?"

*cough* *cough* Zak.  "3 months."  "When's the last time you did that?"

"Last night.  That's when I OD'd."  "Okay.  Thanks, hun."  It's about time.

I feel like I'm going to throw up.

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