Chapter Six

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                It's breakfast time

                in the crazy hut.

                I am debating on

                whether or not I

                should go sit with

                my roommate and

                tell him that he's

                cute.  I think that

                someone should.

                He looks broken.

                Am I sick for

                wanting to fix him?

        The little kids get lunch.

        The girls get lunch.

        When the guys get lunch, I get it first.

        If I am going over there, I need some sort of plan.

        I sit down at my original table first, and once he starts to eat, I go over.

        I am shaking because I'm afraid of messing up my words and looking dumb.

                I sit down.  "Hi,"

                I manage.  "I'm Rayne."

                He looks up.  His lip is bitten.  As

                soon as he notices I notice, he looks down and

                starts to blush.  "M-my name is G-Greg."  he stutters.  God,

                he is adorable.  I just wish I could tell him that, but he looks straight, and

                I, of all people should know not to like a straight guy.  But, sometimes, I can't help it.

                "Look,"  he verbalizes, "you're really cute, but I don't usually pick up guys in a mental hospital."

                Yup.  He's mine.

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