Chapter 4

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"Let's get you home, Champ", Harry pats me on the back.

"But Harrryyyyy... I'm having fun" I whine and Harry chuckles lightly at my expense.

"Come on. I don't need you puking on me" He grabs my hand and leads me through the crowded bar out the front door. The fresh air hits my face and I realize just how drunk I am. I'm really good at holding my liquor but this one's a doozy. I'm completely at his will when he leads me to his car and opens the passenger door. He smells of cigarettes, liquor, and a musky smelling cologne. His scent is intoxicating and I find myself wanting more. This is the first time Harry and I have ever spent this much time together, and I can't tell if it's because I'm drunk or if he pities me, but he is actually being nice. Sure there is the rude remark here and there but other than that, he is being civil.

As we drive to what I assume is my place, I remember all the times Harry has been a complete ass to me. Even though my brain is fuzzy, I can still remember the first time he made me cry. It was after the first time I met him and he teased me non-stop for being so feminine. The next time it was for being so short. The time after that it was about playing football. Our relationship just developed from there. I can't stand him because he reminds me of the bullies I had back in school and those are memories that I wish wouldn't resurface.

Harry's POV

Louis is completely wasted. I'll just drop him off at home so I don't have to deal with a drunk guy. Tonight was fun, I have to admit, but it was weird being so nice to him. Louis and I don't necessarily have the best relationship... Okay I'm a complete dick to him. It started when I first met him. I had this big goofy crush on Trevor and when I saw his boyfriend was so good-looking, I made it my duty to pick on him and make sure he never got too cocky. I guess I took it a little far, I've seen him rush into his house crying before and I act like I don't care, but I hate myself for it.

I look over at the little man with the fluffy hair sitting in my passenger seat, singing his heart out to Katy Perry, and I can't help but smile. The reason I was being so nice to him is because I feel bad for they guy. His boyfriend cheated on him after four years. I see what Trevor is doing, he brings a new guy to my house every night, and hasn't even cried once. Louis is a good guy, but I'll never tell him that.

Louis' POV

Harry opens my door and grabs my hand to help me out of the warm car and out into the cool air. My feet feel like they weigh a ton and my insides feel jumbled. I'm vaguely aware of Harry's large hand being placed on my lower back to steady me. We reach the door and I try to find my keys, but my pants pockets appear to be never ending.

"Dipshit" Harry mutters as he pulls my hand from my tight jeans pocket and replaces it with his own. His fingers fish around in my pocket and locate the keys, causing goose bumps to prickle on my thighs. The front of my jeans tighten and my mind goes into panic, he can't know that I am slightly aroused by his hand in my pants. I feel myself get harder, and a blush rises in my cheeks. Stumbling inside, I notice Harry set my keys down and close the door behind him, indicating that he isn't leaving yet. Somewhere in the depths of my emotional cellar, I feel relief. I don't want to be alone tonight.

My senses are jumbled and I honestly don't think I've ever been more hammered. In my drunken state, I grab the hem of my t-shirt and yank it upward and pull it over my head. Forgetting that the man that always teases me is standing right behind me. As we pass through the threshold of my room, I lose any sort of rationality and kick off my shoes and peeling off my pants, leaving me in only my boxers. As I turn around I see Harry's eyes widen and immediately feel self conscious.

"Just because you're drunk, doesn't mean I have to suffer through your little strip tease" Harry rolls his eyes and walks past me into my room, taking off his boots.

"You like it"

"In your dreams, Champ" Harry runs his fingers through his unruly hair and sits down on my bed.

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