Coping Skills

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A/N: I'm really sorry for not updating this. I was busy with work and then I moved to another state. But I will get back to regular updates from now on.
As always the story contains triggers until it doesn't. Xx Lex

Chapter 15

Over the past three weeks Evan had become obsessed with purging. She was doing it quite often. She bought a scale so she could keep track of how much weight she was gaining or losing. She kept a small notebook of what she ate, how many calories was in it and what time she ate it and what time she purged.

Olivia noticed a change in her right off the back. The more she tried to talk to Evan the further Evan pulled away from her.

"Evie! Honey! I'm home!" Olivia called through the house as she shrugged off her coat. She dropped her keys and purse on the couch and headed towards her daughter's room. As she got closer she heard music blaring. "Baby?" She said knocking.

Evan coughed as she walked out of her bathroom and her eyes bulged at the sight of her mother standing in her room. "Hey mom..."

"What were you doing just now?" Olivia asked. Her hands planting themselves on her hips.

"I was sick." Evan lied. Mentally she was patting herself on the back for being prepared in case she got caught.

"What's the matter sweetheart?" Olivia asked. She pressed her palm to Evan's forehead to check for fever.

"Maybe it was the leftover Chinese." Evan said with a pout. Considering she ate all four leftover cartons it technically wasn't a lie.

"We've had that since Saturday and it's only Tuesday babe." Olivia said.

"I know but maybe it spoiled when we left it out a few hours before we stuck it in the fridge." Evan said. The last thing she wanted to do was get caught. She couldn't have this taken away from her too.

"Maybe, but I'm gonna get you some ginger ale and some chicken broth." Olivia said. " You look really pale honey. Lay down." She added before leaving the room.

Evan sighed in relief when Olivia left. She felt bad for lying. But the purging was hers and she had to protect it.

Olivia stood in the doorway, looking at Evan with a tray of saltines, ginger ale and chicken broth. She took in the crease in her brow, the dark circles under her eyes. She wondered to herself 'has she lost weight?' She decided to keep an eye on that. "What are you thinking about sweetheart?" She finally asks.

Evan flinches. Startled by the sound of her Mother's voice. Then she slips the mask back into place. "'s nothing really. I'm ok." She lied. Horribly.

They both knew it.

"Evan...honey if you're having a problem you can talk to me. I know that I've gone back to work but that doesn't mean I won't come home if you need me." Olivia said. She was begging to be let in. She hated being shut out.

"I don't want to talk. What will it fix?" Evan said.

"It will help lessen the burden you're carrying on your shoulders. Let me help you carry it sweetheart." Olivia said.

Evan's lip slightly trembled. Her Mother's words got to her more than she wanted to admit. But she was handling it fine. By herself. She had her coping skills.

Olivia sat down on the bed. "Honey, you're losing weight. You're not sleeping. It hurts me so much to see you this way." She said. Tears of her own we're pricking her eyes. She wanted to hold her daughter so much.

"What am I supposed to do mom?! Don't you wish I could forget about it? Don't you think I haven't tried?" Evan said. She was holding back tears. She just wanted her Mom to leave her alone so she could cry her eyes out.

"Oh baby girl." Olivia said. Her voice trembled. She scooted closer to Evan and pulled her into her arms.

"No!" Evan cried. She squirmed to get free from her Mother's arms. "Don't hold me! I'm disgusting." She got up and stormed into her bathroom where she promptly locked the door.

Olivia broke into sobs and left Evan's room. She walked into the family room and collapsed on the couch. She pulled out her phone and hit the speed dial. "I think you need to come over here." Are the words she uttered when the person she called answered.

Her Most Valuable Possession (Law & Order SVU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt