Lying is An Art Form

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A/N: This chapter isn't as triggering as others. It's more of a filler chapter before the real fun starts. Xx Lex

A knock on the door woke Olivia and Evan from a restless sleep.

Olivia cleared her throat before telling whoever was on the other side of the door to come in.

Amanda popped her head in and smiled when she saw Mother and daughter snuggled together. "Hey Bunny." She said.

"Hey Aunt Manda." Evan said.

"Do you feel like talking today?" Amanda asked.

"Not really." Evan mumbled.

"I understand sweet pea, but, I need the rest of your statement." Amanda said cautiously.

"Amanda, can I talk to you outside?" Olivia asked. Her eyes were pleading with Amanda not to press the envelope.

"Sure, Liv." Amanda said. She followed Olivia out.

"What's going on?" Amanda asked as soon as they were out of Evans earshot.

"After you left yesterday, I found Evan in the bathroom. She broke the mirror in there and cut herself." Olivia said.

Amanda covered her mouth. "Jesus! Why didn't you call me?!" She said.

"I was a little busy, you know, making sure she didn't bleed to death." Olivia answered with an eye roll.

"Sorry...It's just...I was just in the room with her..." Amanda said.

Olivia squeezed Amanda's arm. "Hey, she's ok. But I don't think she's ready to talk. Maybe when I get her home." She said.

"Well I do have some news about the case." Amanda said.

Olivia nodded her head towards the door and they went back in the room.

"Did you tell her what a freak I am?!" Evan said the second her Mother and Aunt walked into the room.

"You are not a freak!" Olivia argued.

"Oh really?! What else do you call someone who cuts themselves?" Evan asked venomously.

"Someone who's hurting." Olivia said softly.

"Bunny, I don't think you're a freak. I know you are hurt and you felt like that was your only outlet." Amanda said.

"Whatever." Evan scoffed, folding her arms.

"I know you need a little more time to finish your statement, but I have some news for you." Amanda said. "Brent Latimer confessed to everything and turned on Lowell Harris."

"" Evan said. Was she supposed to be throwing him a parade?

"So, that means your involvement in the trial will be minimal." Amanda asked.

"This is good news sweetheart." Olivia said.

"Can we go home now?" Evan asked. She was starting to shutdown. She didn't want to talk about what happened nor did she want to stay in this hospital any longer.

"Because of yesterday's...incident they will most likely have you meet with a shrink before I can get you out of here." Olivia said.

"Ok...but can you hurry? I just really want to go home and sleep in my own bed." Evan said. She would kiss anyone's ass to get out.

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