Chapter Three

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The alarm goes off and pulls me out of my night terror. That's one of the worst things since the fire in Missouri is the night terrors.

I grab my cell phone and turn off the alarm. Looking at the time, I see that it's 6 in the morning. I laugh because my father is going to be pissy since I woke up early to help with the kids.

Sitting up and pulling the covers off my body, I think about how it's been a week since my dad talked to Wallace Boden about getting me on Truck 81. Wally told my dad that I could star next Saturday morning. Today is Friday and the anticipation building in my stomach is something I can barely handle. Just thinking about the fact that I'm going to be back on a truck thrills me to my core.

I descend down the stairs and into the kitchen where my dad is making breakfast for me and my kids.

"Good morning!" I chime and plant a kiss on my dad's cheek in passing. "Thanks for cooking breakfast."

"Anything for you guys." My dad says without hesitation. "How are you feeling, Hun?"

I grab a coffee mug out of the cabinet. "I'm feeling great, actually." I inform him as I grasp the coffee pot in my hand. "How are you doing, Dad?"

"I'm as good as I can be." He sighs and puts the eggs into a bowl. "I'm losing my daughter to the CFD."

"Stop it, Dad." I laugh and pour the coffee into my mug. "I get 24 hours on and 48 off. That's pretty great, actually."

My dad sighs loudly. "I know. I am truly happy for you. Especially after everything you've been through. I'm so happy that you're getting your life back on track and not living inside anymore." He turns around and puts a plate of eggs and toast on the table. "You deserve to be happy and I'm hoping this is one step closer."

"Me too." I admit and put the coffee pot back on the burner. "I think this is a step in the right direction for me." I inform him as I sip my coffee. I sit down and put some eggs on my fork. My gut feeling is that starting my job at House 51 is the start of something great.


- Saturday Morning-

"Mom!" Emily and Scotty shout happily as they run into my room, dressed in their Tangled and Spiderman PJs. "It's your first day of work!" They get up and jump up and down on my bed.

I sit up and grab them, pulling them each into my arms. "I think you guys are happier than I am!" I giggle and hold them. I kiss each of my kids on the top of their heads. "Did Grandpa make you guys breakfast?"

"He did!" Scott confirms with a head nod. "He told us to wake you up so you're not late for work, mom!"

"That's so sweet of you guys!" I tell them and look at Emily. She's grinning up at me. "I'm going to miss you guys so much while I'm at work today."

"We're going to miss you too!" Emily squeals and squeezes me tighter.

"Why don't we go eat breakfast?" I say to my kids who jump up right away and sprint out of my room into the kitchen. I follow them quickly, making sure not to stumble over my own feet as I try to move as fast as my nimble children.

I emerge into the kitchen to see my dad sitting at the table with my kids. They're all eating their food and my dad is smiling a large, toothy smile. I sit down across from my Dad, beside Scotty. Today dad made us pancakes and sausage. I smirk and look up at my dad.

"Pancakes and sausage?" I ask, remembering how he would make them for me if I had a big test in school or was nervous about a drama audition.

He nods and puts a fork-full of pancakes into his mouth. "I figured you could use them since it's your first day on the job in a little while."

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