Chapter 15

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**Chanel's POV**

- 1 month later -

I walk into the firehouse feeling different than the last time I was here. Last shift I was deeply depressed and now, by some miracle, I've dug out of that hole.

I also started taking my meds again to help combat the depression. I just pray that everything stays the way it is and I don't fall back into that dark place.

I pull my heavy jacket and ear muffs off and toss them in my locker. Chicago winters are always extremely cold.

"Hey, Chanel." Shay greets me like any other day.

But unlike every time before, this time, I respond. "Hey, Shay, how's it going?" I ask with a smile as I pull my CFD shirt out of my locker.

"It's going great!" She replies enthusiastically. "How are you?" She asks, obviously trying to uncover why I've finally acknowledged her.

I make eye contact with her. "I'm better.." I pause and close my locker door. "Much better."

"I'm so happy to hear that." Shay responds with a wide grin that flashes her perfectly white teeth. "It's nice to see that smile."

I blush at her genuine kindness towards me. "I was thinking we could grab a drink tomorrow night and catch up? I know I haven't bee-"

"Yes," she cuts me off. She's letting me know she doesn't need an explanation for why I've been the way I have. "I would love to catch up."

"Good." I say then wander out into the common area of the firehouse.

I find my way to a table and take a seat. I grab a stray newspaper that's on the table and open it. I can't even remember the last time I read something voluntarily.

"Hey," I look up to see Herrmann has sat himself across from me. "It's good to see you're back, kid."

"It's good to be back." I admit. "How are the kids doing?"

"Oh they're great. Little devils, you know, but good. How are your kids?" He asks. I realize he probably hasn't heard about my kids for at least the five months I've been gone.

"They're growing too fast." I sigh. "Scotty is so tall and Emily is so smart. It makes me sad how fast they're growing."

"I used to feel the same way, but then I was able to work my kids and get them to do the housework." Herrmann jokes as he takes a sip from his coffee.

"Chanel?" I hear Peter Mills call from across the room and look up to see him walking towards me at a rapid pace. "You're back?!" He asks with excitement in his voice.

Like a reflex I stand up and greet my pal with a huge hug. "Yeah, I'm back." I say proudly as a squeeze around his shoulders in a friendly manner.

"Damn we've missed you. So much." Peter shoots me a lop-sided grin. "Pouch especially."

"Oh I doubt he even noticed I was gone."

And like clockwork, Pouch barrels in the room and jumps on me, almost knocking me on my ass.

"I guess I was wrong!" I laugh happily as I receive a thousand puppy kisses.

"I think this calls for a celebration." Peter grins. "Drinks on me tomorrow night."

"Sounds great!" I agree, feeling rather excited to be surrounded by my firehouse family again.

The rest of shift goes pretty uneventful. We get one call of a small kitchen fire and other than that, nothing. We run drills and Casey makes sure I remember how to do my job, drilling me hard. After the drill is finished, he pulls me into his office.

"What's up, Lieutenant?" I ask as he sits on his desk in front of me.

He looks up at me with eyes that are full of compassion. "I want you to know that as your Lieutenant you can come to me for anything. If you need anything, don't hesitate. I don't want to lose you again."

I feel my throat shut with emotion. I swallow, preventing my voice from cracking. "Thank you. I'm doing much better now."

"I'm glad to hear it." Casey smiles. "But I know how things can sneak up on you and hit you all at once. Some days will be harder than others. If there's ever a hard day and you need a non biased person to talk to, I'm here."

"Thank you." I say again, unable to say anything else. I'm so taken back by his generosity and kindness.

"Well that's all." He stands up. "Close the door on your way out."

"Yes sir." I nod and walk out the door, closing it behind me.

As soon as I close the door, I see Kelly walk out of his office.

"Hey," he says to me with a quick wave.

"Hi," I reply and wave back.

No one knows that we're together yet. No one who works here at least

He walks towards me. "Can I talk to you?"

"Aren't you already?" I rely slyly with a small smirk.

"In my office?" He rolls his eyes but smiles and bites his lip.

I nod and follow him into his office. He shuts the door so no one can hear us, but the blinds are still open so people can still see us.

"What's up?" I ask as I stand next to his desk.

He leans on his desk just like Casey did. "I want to tell people we're together."

"What?" I ask, stunned. "Don't you think it will be a shit show?"

"Why would it?" He questions.

"I don't know. Maybe because we work together?"

"So? I'm not your Lieutenant. You're Truck and I'm Squad. Two separate things. They only would care if I was your direct Lieutenant." He informs me.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" I ask, raising and eyebrow and crossing my arms tightly. Just last night he was telling me that no one at the firehouse knew about us and it was best to keep it that way.

Kelly presses his lips together. "The change of heart is because I can see Peter Mills staring in here right now."

I turn my head to look out into the bunk area. Sure enough, Peter turns his head to try to make it seem like he wasn't looking in here.

"I can tell he likes you, Chanel." Kelly continues. "The fact that you're going out with him tomorrow night doesn't make me feel any better about it."

"He offered to buy me a drink because I'm back!" I roll my eyes. "Shay is coming too and anyone else who wants to come."

"He was basically asking you out." He growls. "I just want him to know that you're with me, not him."

"Wow, very territorial, huh?" I chuckle and keep myself from instinctively pulling him into a kiss.

"It's not territorial, I'm just proud to be your boyfriend." He smiles down at me then puts his hands on my waist, pulls me close and kisses my lips.

I put my hands on his biceps and kiss him back. I guess this is definitely going to be the way that people find out we're together because I know for sure Peter is looking at us right now.

And I'm proud to call Kelly Severide my boyfriend.

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