Chapter 11- Blackmail? Seriously

Start from the beginning

T: no why she's still with you isn't she?

A: Yeah, talking about Sammy have you spoken to her parents?

T: no I haven't seen them or spoken to them for ages, I think James did the other day as he had to tell them something important. Don't ask me what because I didn't listen to it. He's bores me you know that. *laughs*

A: right because someone's told them that sammy is here with us and her mom's on the way to take her back go the UK. I just wondered who blabbed.

I looked around the others, they were silent.

T: probably James or Brad or Connor he was talking to them before he went to stay with his girlfriend. Honestly Amy; I don't know but I can promise you that it wasn't me. *yawns*

A: alright thanks Tris. Talk you soon please get some sleep Evans.

T: I'll try too busy boots. Bye.

He hanged up on the phone. "so it wasn't Tristan" I say. "you actually believe him?" Ashton asked me shocked. "Yeh I do He always tells the truth when he's tired."

" I don't believe it would be Connor because Connor and Brad are on their way to help. So it means it was James but I don't know why James would do such a thing" Sammy said confused.

I picked up my phone taking it off loud speaking. James name popped up on my screen, a message.

James McVey: I know you just phoned Tristan about Sammy. Ring me back privately please x

I replied back with an okay before excusing myself from the table and heading out the main doors so I could ring him privately. I did exactly that and placed my phone to my ear. He answered, "hey amy"

Phone conversation: (J: James. A: Amy.)

A: hey James why did I have to ring you privately.

J: because I didn't want the others to know that's why.

A: James was it you that told Sammy's parents?

"amy what are you doing?" I heard Luke say. I placed my finger to his lips to shush him. I placed my phone on loudspeaker so he could hear. He bit my finger.

J: yeah but you don't understand. I had to do it.

A:why would you have to do it?

J: because Dylan has been blackmailing me.

I looked to luke, both of us confused. "what the hell" he muttered. I shrugged my shoulders.

A: what do you mean, Dylan been blackmailing you?

J: I can't say anymore but tell sammy I didn't do it purposely I didn't want to he blackmailed anymore so I did what I had to do.

He said then hanged up before I had the chance to ask him what Dylan was blackmailing him about.

"that was weird how he said he had to do what he did because he was being blackmailed" Luke said. I nodded my head agreeing. "I know it's weird right. " I say, Luke nodded his head.

"right let's go back and say bye to the others as he have that apartment viewing remember" Luke reminded me.


Calum's POV.

Both Amy and Luke were now outside." is it me or do you think they're hiding something?" I asked the others, Hailee was playing with my hair, it annoying me ever so slightly. "what do you mean?" Emilia asked. "I agree it seems like they're hiding something from us do you think it's to do with last week when they said that they were going to move in together?" Michael asked.

I shrugged my shoulders." no idea" "maybe we should just ask them they're heading this way". Ashton said. They soon joined us standing by the table. "alright guys we've just come in to say goodbye. We have places to be" Luke said wrapping his arm around Amy's waist while talking. "places to be? What are you hiding? " sammy asked them while raising her eyebrow at them.

"we might aswell tell them luke" Amy said to him, Luke nodded his head at her. "we have to go because we have an apartment viewing" Luke said. Oh I forgot they wanted to move in together, personally I think it's a bad idea the amount of times they keep splitting up.

"oh yes! I forgot about that, why didn't you tell us?" Sammy asked. "it's no big deal. We don't say anything because we might not like it" Amy said smiling at us all. "well can we come?" I asked. Hailee gave me a look while squeezing my arm. I looked at her. "what are you doing?" she mouthed. I shrugged it off and looked back at Luke and Amy.

"I don't think that's a good idea Calum." Michael said. "I didn't ask you" I say harshly before looking back at Amy and Luke waiting for an answer. "sure I can't see it being a problem" Luke said, Amy agreeing. "great count me in two" Sammy said happily.

Third person's POV

Eventually amy and Luke left Mcdonald's heading to view an apartment which they had a booked appointment with Calum and Sammy joining them. Emilia, Hailee, Ashton and Michael decided to hit the beach.

Sammy came along with them as she was a bit suspicious as to why Calum wanted to go along with them so sammy went along to see if he was planning something and also to help them if they needed help about whether or the not the appartment was too big or too small for Amy and Luke.

"what do you think guys?' Amy asked sammy and Calum as they were left alone to look around the apartment. " I love it" Sammy said. "I could imagine you two living here. Amz you've got enough room to have a walk in wardrobe like you always wanted" Sammy said nudging Amy's shoulder as they walked into one of the bedrooms in the appartment.

The apartment contained three bedrooms one being the master bedroom with a bathroom attached. Bathroom; kitchen, living room, outdoor area and a garden.

"hey amz look at this" Sammy said pulling Amy outside. "imagine a Jacuzzi right there" Sammy said pointing. "oh my god yes" Amy said happily while biting her bottom lip. " I like this place alot" Amy said when she had arms go around her waist. "what do you think?" Luke asked her from behind.

"I like it a lot, what about you?" Amy asked him. " I like it too" he said. "where's Calum?" Sammy asked Luke. "oh Calum, I told him to leave he was trying to talk me out of moving in with Amy for some odd reason. He didn't like my answer so I told him to leave and he did." Luke said back to Sammy.

Sammy rolled her eyes. "I don't know what's wrong with him just lately. He's not been himself" Sammy said to them. "it's calum; Calum's always acting funny" Luke said looking out at the garden area. "i'm going to go and find him and get him to tell me what's the matter" Sammy said before leaving the apartment leaving them alone. "so this appartment yes or a no?" Luke asked again.

An. Hello is it me your looking for? No? Okay then. * walks over to a corner and cries* lol not really, hi! *waves*

Anyway stay tuned for Mary Anne, @smileforhemmings to write next!

What is Dylan blackmailing James over? #wierd. #whatsits got to do with sammy?

Why is Calum acting weird again? Why did he try to talk luke out of moving in with Amy?

Will Amy and Luke say yes and take the apartment? Or will they turn it down?

Will Sammy go back to the Uk? Will Luke and Amy tell the others about James being blackmailed into telling Sammy's parent by Dylan I wonder?

Mary Anne do you have the answers because I don't!

Bye, *waves*

-Amy :)


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