Chapter 4-Leaving Home

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I stare out the window, watching a plane roll down the landing strip, and to the airport. The plane is just starting to fill up, and I am grateful for the fact that people gave me space. I look around at some of the people on the plane. There are several families, but many people look like they have business to do on this trip. My mind starts wandering to YouTube for the fourth time today. I wonder how many people on this plane know of me? In this airport? I start feeling guilty for leaving my fans for so long, and remember why I am taking a vacation in the first place.

Two weeks ago, after I freaked out about the bro/kid thing in the park, I started seeing bros and barrels everywhere. I thought I was becoming paranoid and began to hole myself in my house and stayed in front of my computer. I finally called my family about it and they said that I needed a break from the horror games and YouTube. I took their advice, and bought a ticket to Poland. I don't know why I chose Poland, but when I was on the website, it looked good. 

I stare down at the ticket, fold it, and put it on my carry on. I stare out the window more, attempting to bring my mind to something other than YouTube. I see looming clouds on the horizon, and hope this plane takes off soon. I hear a voice through the speakers on the plane.

"Hello, thank you for choosing International Airlines today," the voice starts. I listen very intently to the safety precautions and measurments. For some reason, I feel unsettled about this flight.

"Thank you and enjoy your flight." I sit back in my seat and close my eyes thinking about what video to do when I get back.

I reach out my hands in protection from the bro as he approches me, ready to hit me with his long claws. He swipes at my stomach as his hand glides through my body. I gasp down at where his hand just slid through. My body starts flickering, as if it was a hologram and begins to fade. I look up, expecting to see a bro, but see nothing but a dark castle room. I run and leave the room, my hands fading, turning invisible. I keep running, but am stopped by a wall of barrels. My body is weakening as I try to break down the wall. I hear a bro coming and I shreak and I work faster. I keep trying to break the wall but each time I push through a barrel, another one starts closing me in. My body is exausted and I start to slow. Then, everything in sight starts spinning. I drop to the ground and I hear Stephano.

"You must wake up. Please wake up!" My eyes snap open and I am back in the plane. A flight attendant is shaking my shoulder. 

"Sir, you were disturbing some passengers," she says to me and offers me a drink. I decline and duck my head. I get looks of anger, concern, fright and confusion from people. I slink back in my seat as I look at my watch. Another hour to go. Great.

I put my head on my hands and realized that I was sweating. If it was a game, I would not have been very scared. These dreams seem no different from the game, so why was I so terrified of them? I really hope that this vacation helps with the dreams.

The plane lands in the airport in Poland, and I quickly gather my stuff and leave the plane. I won't meet them ever again, I tell myself. It still doesn't keep me from being embarrassed. I leave the plane with my head down as I hear my name being called. My real name, Felix. I look up and I see my family there to greet me. I smile and I greet them with comfort. We exchanged the normal greetings and they congratulated me on my mediocre success with YouTube. I am glad to see them, and although my worries are still there at the edge of my thoughts, it allows me a break from them.

We leave the airport and quickly make our way to the hotel. They begin to question me about my dreams, and I remove some of the details to make it seem like I am not scared. They would not understand it unless they played the games as well. For a period of time, we are silent and I stare at the landscape of the country. Even though it is day, there is a dark mysterious feel alongside the beauty the landscape brings. There is something familiar about the places we pass, even though I have never been here in my life. The feeling begins to haunt me, and my thoughts turn dark once again. I focus on my family, who I have not seen in some time and attempt to distract my mind as I have done so many times before in the last two weeks. 

We arrive at the hotel, and I realize that it is much nicer than the one I had originally booked. My parents say that they had booked this one in replace of the one I first had. I thank them greatly and make my self comfortable. It is a great suite with several rooms. I have a room to myself (thankfully) while the others sleep in the other room or the couch. I want to rest from the flight and I stay in my room for the rest of the day, knowing that there would be plenty of time to sightsee tomorrow.

That night, I had another dream, but this time it was different. Instead of being attacked by the bro, I was the bro. This frightened me even more than being attacked, as I was what I was terrified of. I had to follow the commands of a faceless voice, telling me whose lives I had to ruin. It was my own. Without control of my body I limped off into the deep holds of the castle. My mind fought but the voice continued to lead my body toward the unsuspecting victim. I came upon a light in the distance, and I sped up. I followed the light when I came upon myself. I saw myself turn around and just for a brief moment, we stood in awe and sheer terror. The Felix in front of me turned around as my body slashed at him, killing him before my eyes. I stood in dispair, the voice growing, commanding me to find the next victim. I followed the barrels, and the path that they made. I wanted this dream to end, but I could not escape. The barrel-path stopped, and infront of me stood a small golden statue with a sword. I tried to call out for Stephano, but no sound was made. I heard him mutter four words.

"I shall avenge Felix," he said in his french accent as he pulled out his sword and stabbed my heart. Only when he stabbed me was I able to make a sound. As I screamed at the darkness pulling me in, I saw the sillouettes of Stephano, Skully, and Piggeh standing around me as I finally escaped the dream. I sat up panting and screaming, my family rushing into my room concern sketched upon their face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2014 ⏰

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