Chapter 1: My Life IS a Game

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I am quickly scrolling through the Youtube comments of my latest video. I sigh as the list just kept getting longer and longer full of the same comments. More Amnesia. I have not done an Amnesia video in a while so it makes sense that the bros want another video. I close the web page and grumble. It is not like I hate the game, I just hate the scares. I hate not knowing where the next scare would be or where those goddamned bros or teleporting naked guys are. I look at the time. Dammit. It is not even 22:00 yet. I sigh again as I run my hands through my blonde hair. I still have time for a video. I grab my camera and my headphones. Might as well get it over with. I pull on my iconic headphones and set up my reaction camera. I close Youtube and clicked on Amnesia. I sighed once again as I remember that I was in the middle of another mod. I don't even remember the name of it. I turn on my camera and start playing.

"Welcome the fuck back to some more Amnesia," I do not sound enthusiastic. I sound tired and bored. I remember the reason why I had never finished this mod. This mod has so many bugs in it. I have to look for a key to move on, and the key is nowhere to be found. I am so pissed. I decide just to give up, and move onto a new mod. I move onto the home screen and quickly look at the mods. There is a new one, called Abduction. I click on it. A thought pops up in my head. It was not there when I started the buggy mod, and I have not done an update. I ignore these thoughts as the mod starts with a bang (literally).

"Holy shit," I say at the start of the mod. I quickly loot the room and make my way to the next section. 

"Downstairs...sounds alright. I mean, it can't be that bad," I say. I have a confidence that soon starts depleting the farther in I get into this mod. The creepy atmosphere of the game is not helping. I make my way to Food Storage. The first thing that I think is: Oh god I hate storages. I see the mice, and feel comforted.

"Hello. I want to cuddle with you...HIAH!" I crush the mice with boxes, but they won't die.

"I hate mice," I say, then continue crushing the mice. Suddenly, dramatic music comes up and all of the lights go out.

"WHOA, whoa, whoa, whoa," My heart jumps out of my chest and I move away from the mice. Bad idea. I come to a door and a bro comes out of the doorway. I scream and run to the next door. Right as I reach the other door, the bro attacks me and I scream louder. 

"You cannot die...yet..." says the game. Great. I really hope I do not have to restart. The game re spawns and I am in a jail cell, just like in the Dark Decent. I do some perverted things before I decide to get out of the cell. It takes a while to figure out how to get out of the cell and when I do I am almost immediately in what I think is trouble. I go to the sacrifice table in the middle of the room and I hear a high pitch scream and my Amnesia reflexes kick in. I automatically go to a corner and hide.

"It wasn't me it was the barrels," I say. I start throwing barrels out, as if to prove it. Sensing no danger, I withdraw from my hiding spot regaining my dignity.

"Sorry, barrels, I did not mean it." Of course I get no response, but in the silence I feel as if the barrels are staring at me unforgiving. I shake it off as I investigate the room further, looting and searching for a way out. As I search, I find an old friend, Skully. I voice him in a french accent as I speak to him. As usual I am humored by an inappropriately placed naked man, but quickly move on, leaving the dungeon and Skully behind.

I reach a corridor with two path ways. I do a famous swedish rhyme to decide the way, and recall upon a request to do the opposite of my desision. I do this, going down a corridor provided with lots of things to loot. I am pleased by this and make progress very quickly.

I am very confident with my progress until I reach a room that has a cage in it. I break the lock as the high pitched noise comes, signaling the bro's arrival.

"Ahhhhhh. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go," I say as I struggle to open the cage door to safety. The bro arrives just as I close the door and I panic to find a hiding spot. 

"Oh fuck. Fuck. It was the barrels, see? See?" I panic as I throw barrels around as the bro comes closer. I don't want to give away my location, but he is just so sexy! I play along with the joke I have with my bros, as I completely ignore the fact that if I stare at him too long, he will see me. The truth is though, they terrify me. They are my least favorite horror character, and if I would have to face them in real life, I would do anything to avoid that. I stare at him too long, but look away just in time. I turn around and loot what ever else I can find, and get into the one light in the cell. I end up touching acid, and throw a barrel in response. By a coincidence, the bro finds me again, and I duck down.

"Barrel! You blew my cover! You stupid traitor." I hide behind the barrel of acid, luckily in the light. I hate it when the character goes insane. Just having no control, and feeling defeated, just frustrates me.

"I don't think he can come in here though," I say as I come out from my hiding spot and out into the open. I take a quick glance at the bro, but then the music starts again and he comes for me.

"Come on, I barely looked at you," I mumble in frustration at the game. I move the character to find a hiding spot to wait for the bro to stop hunting for me. But this time it does not stop. 

"Please tell me he can't get in here." I quickly eat my words as the bro comes right outside my spot of the cage and I run toward the light in the cage again. 

"Ahhhh-ah-ah-ah-ahhh-ha-ha-ha. You sneaky devil... Holy... take the potatoes, I don't even want them." I throw a bag of something in the bro's general direction, and then another.

"You know what, lets not even look at him." I move away from the light and go in a corner to hide. The music keeps on playing though. 

"I am not even looking at him! Oh, wait, he is looking at me, of course." I keep moving away from him,   trying to keep him away. I get in a corner as the bro opens the door to the cage.

"Ah!" I move a barrel in front of me,"Barrels, please. I'm fucked, I'm fucked, I'm fucked." I look away from him and camp in the corner.

"What? Did the barrels? I'm sorry, I'm just here in the corner." As if the bro could actually here me, I think to myself. I give up all hope and look at him again, and as I do, my character collapses on the ground.

"And now I am insane, fucking great." I keep on playing for a while like this, until I meet something that will forever change this game. Stephano. A golden statue kneeling with a sword. He too has a french accent, and he greeted me in his unique way. 

"Hellos, I am Stephano." He showed me the way around the castle, but ended up failing. I abandon him, but soon realize that I need him more than ever now. I keep playing for over an hour and finally decide to get some rest. I'll edit in the morning, I think as I head off to bed. That night, horrid dreams of bros and Stephano haunt my night.


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