Happy Days, Haunted Nights

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I click the Upload button on Youtube and I slump back in my chair. Whenever I finish a series, there is always that feeling of achievement, relief, and ending. This time, there is just the feeling of pure relief. It took me a week to finish filming and uploading, while oddly enough, none of the videos needed editing. I ignored it the first video, but a whole set was just weird. There was no way to make them better, even with editing. That never happens. The week itself was hell though. Sleep had avoided me all week, while making a first for me. Throughout my years of playing and watching horror video and movies, not one gave me nightmares. Except for this one. It was not even that scary, but even so, every night my dreams were haunted by bros, water or the looming castle. For the first time in my Youtube career, I considered not finishing an Amnesia video and ignoring all of the fans. But I continued. There was no way I could ignore my bros like that.

When the video finished uploading, I leave my computer for a glass of water. When I return, I am overwhelmed by a slurry of comments. Usually it takes my fans a couple minutes to watch the video then then they comment. It looks like, though, as soon as the video was uploaded, my bros could not contain their rejoicing. All of the comments were saying on how happy they are or that it is finally finished. I wish I could join them in their celebrations. I hated this mod. The story and the game play were fine, it was the creation of another enemy besides the bros.

Barrels. I read the comment as soon as I thought of it. Although the mod developer did not intend to make the barrels work for the bros, it sure seemed that way. It seemed like every time I tried to hide in them, the bro would find me faster, every time I through one or blamed one, it seemed like something bad happened. That could not be coincidence.

I begin to smile as the comments move to more of a lighter topic. The creation of two companions that journeyed along side me: Stephano and Piggeh. Although they are just inanimate objects in a video game, and that I voiced them, they felt like true company. They may not have been able to protect me well, they felt like they could, and with them, I felt a little safer. I need a Stephano in real life. 

I lift my head and realize that I had been clutching my hair while thinking about the barrels and bros. I loosen my tightening hands and brush off the hair that I pulled out. I stand up and take a walk out side.

After being inside almost all week, the cool, Swedish, Autumn air feels brisk, cold and refreshing. A breeze picks up and I am forced to shove my hands in my jacket pockets. I let my feet carry me, and I loose track of where I was going until I reach our local park. It is not large in size, but it definitely is beautiful. Small hills consume the landscape, and the few trees whose leaves decided that Autumn was early this year, clashed with the normal green. Before the whole Youtube success, I used to spend a lot of my free time here. I slowly walk around the outside of the park, then begin to make my way in to the center of the park. As I walk I take in past familiarity and new changes. I have not been here in a while and it feels great to get out and about. I see the bench where I spent the year before Youtube reading my favorite novels through all seasons. Seeing it as a good place to rest, I sit down and watch to kids chase each other around the park, only to stop when their parents called them over.

My eyes begin to wander to a squirrel hunting for nuts, when a figure across the park grabs my attention. The figure is staring at me intently, but there is something off about him. He wears a black jacket and long pants that cover his feet. I can't quite see his face, due to the hood shadowing it and his hands are in his pocket. The stare pierces me and I begin to stand in the uncomfortableness of the situation. The wind shifts, blowing the hood of his jacket off. I fall back on the bench in fear and surprise. I want to pull my eyes away from him, but I can't. I see him quickly pull his hood back up and start limping away.

I sit on the bench for a minute, clinging onto it for support. My breathing gets harder and I whip my head around, feeling like I am watched. I finally stand, look behind me again, and jog all the way back to my house. When I enter my house, I lock the doors for the first time since the first day I moved in. I take in what I saw at the park.

That man was obviously staring at me. He had a bald head with multiple cuts, as well as his face. His eyes were too popped out of their sockets to be natural, and the jaw was too slack. The fingers were far too long to be normal or healthy, much less too skinny. I don't know who thought it would be funny to pose as a bro, but it was just cruel. There was something about it though, something about him that feels to much to be some kid in a costume. I try to put logic and sense to what happened, but  I just can't shake that fear that the bro/person thing brought upon me.

I grabbed some candy and start browsing through Youtube trying to distract myself, and failing. No one can be distracted from sleep. The nightmares were the worst yet that night and when I opened my eyes faint outlines of the castle still seemed to be there.

From Bros to Brennenburg (a Pewdiepie fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant