Sudden muffled voices chanted in my ears, an eerie sound emphasising the vast quietness of the room.

'Did you hear that?' I looked around, puzzled by the strange sounds.

Karina looked up from the box and shook her head. Strands of dark hair coming loose from her bun, 'I didn't hear anything,'

I ignored what I heard, maybe it was the fact I had just done two twelve hour shifts, one after another. I was tired and in need of a hot bath and a good night's rest. I looked back down at it. The box was beautifully carved with floral patterns and Celtic symbols I had never seen before.

I must have been staring at it for a while, looking at the gilt edges and designs when I noticed an iridescent shimmer that seemed to run along the gap between the lid and box. Karina didn't seem to notice. I blinked.

'Nothing' I automatically said, my eyes not leaving the gap.

Karina straightened up and shook her head. 'It seems it doesn't want to show us its secrets'. She sighed. 'But, this is what has just arrived. I'll see if there are any of the specialist tools to open it with.' She finally said, turning to leave. I nodded.

Once she had left I hastily pulled the box towards me, my skin prickling when I made contact with it. The lid lifted easily and it seemed to give a small sigh. I ignored it. I was too tired for my mind to play tricks on me. I looked up to stop Karina, but she was already gone.

Alone, I slowly opened the lid further, as if not to disturb whatever, if anything that may reside inside, my eyes widened as the light from above caught the sharp edges and it glistened like a dozen stars. The faint whispers echoed in my ears once more and the emerald, silver necklace sitting elegantly inside twinkled on its own accord. I was expecting coins of a thousand BC or some sort of Viking artefact.

My slender fingers fluttered over the piece of jewellery, the crystal seemed too large to be attached to its fine silver chain. Carefully I held it up to look at it closer, my other hand taking the nonexistent weight. My hazel eyes narrowed as I took note of a faint mist, floating on top of the liquid inside the emerald. Like that of an enchanted lake in the small hours of the morning. I could feel my muscles in my shoulders tense and I felt oddly cold. It shimmered at me again and I quickly placed it back inside the box. I took a step away from the table.

Here I was, with my hard earned degree and my career beginning to blossom. The last thing I wanted was some ancient necklace to destroy it all, because I was afraid of it. My fingers itched wanting to open it again and learn more. But I held back; was my curiosity to do with my work? Or was it something else? Something much stronger, I shut my eyes hoping it would bring clarity and stop my inner emotions from taking over.

I breathed in the labs familiar air of clinical cleanliness and wondered what to do.

The box sat silently on the table. Its magic drawing and knotting something inside of me like the knot designs etched on it. My fingers returned to the smooth oak wood, a tingling feeling like pins and needles tickled my finger tips. I had never felt something this magnetic before and the sense of belonging was over powering.

I turned away, ready to leave. I was no longer interested. 'Karina!' I called out, she had been gone a while, it didn't take that long to find a few tools. Silence! I tried looking through to the next lab where she had disappeared to but the lights were still off. Maybe she had forgotten something upstairs. Oh well, I guess I should go home. I looked back down at the box, I didn't want to have to touch it again but I couldn't leave it out on show.

I exhaled out, something I clearly didn't want to do. I grabbed hold of the box, this time there was no whispering or show of a rim of light. I walked into the storage room near the door and was about to place the item on the shelf in the correct department when a sudden thought entered my mind. I found myself becoming attached to it, whatever it was. I felt like I couldn't leave it here. Strange, Instead I placed it in my satchel, promising myself I would bring it straight back tomorrow morning.

I reached the entrance to the Fitzwilliam museum once more, my hand raised to push open the door when the air around me constricted, as if the museum was squeezing me tight, not wanting me to leave. The air shimmered for a second, just as the gap between the lid and the box had shimmered, it caused me to shiver involuntarily the tiny hairs on my arms rising.

Something had just happened, something magical yet disturbing.

It's nothing you are tired, I thought as I left the museum.

Are you sure? Whispered a long ignored voice in the back of my mind

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