My happily ever after

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              ( Light my fire - kotoko )

    I see a white light , is this heaven?
How am I still alive? I just died didn't i? I guess not . I heard the girls crying , but then the white light turned into a orangish red . I was lifted and I heard the girls gasped , what's going on?! I'm lifted into the light , and soon I'm stopped . I'm now in the middle and surrounded in the orangish red sparkly light . Huh? Where am i? Most important , am I not dead?! That's good! Yay! Cause I don't want to leave everyone! I just don't want too!

Soon a glitter puff with angel wings on the handle appears in my right hand . My right arm is lifted up into a blinding white light , and then suddenly boots appeared on my legs . Huh? And they weren't like my regular transformation boots , they had more orange ribbon on them .
That's cool! It's another transformation! Well , here goes nothing! I snapped my fingers , fire appeared and circled me . I grabbed the fire , and I spun it around me until I was contained in a fire shield ball .

That's cool and awesome! I love this!
My fingers snapped and fire clung to my body , forming a dress . I spun around and a orangish white frilled dress with some feathers connected from the waist down appeared on me . Fire formed on my arms in the shape of bands , I snapped my fingers and the band's with orange ribbon appeared on my arms . My hair stayed down and the bow was still up , my tiara turned into a full golden tiara and a small red diamond jewel was placed my on forehead .

Then fire went to my back and formed wings , I've got wings? This is cool! I threw my body back and the wings appeared , and the fireball shield broke into a million pieces . My wings were a yellow orangish and they were were angel ones . I put my right hand at my forehead , and I spin around . Once I stop , fire filled my hands and I got had a look of confidence . " Don't mess with me , or else you'll get burned! I'm the fire princess! " I shouted . Well , that's a new thing . Now time for mine!
" You mess with me , your playing with fire! I'm ultra glitter sunny! " I shouted as I made fire swirl all around .

    ( Here's a picture of rikki in her new glitter transformation

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    ( Here's a picture of rikki in her new glitter transformation . )

Yeah! I wonder if the girls have this transformation as well! Cause I wanna see them! Once the light faded , I was visible and I was glowing orange very brightly . So bright that it made the monster flinch and it made the baddies over to the side stop and look . I bet mom could see me now , she must be proud . I feel confidence running through my veins , and it's just making me glow bright and brighter . I look to the ground and I don't see the girls , huh where are they?!

" Rikki! " someone shouted . I look next to me , and I see the girls . And they were in the same transformation as me , but they looked different . Oh my god! Hailey's pigtails have gotten bigger! Yikes!

 Oh my god! Hailey's pigtails have gotten bigger! Yikes!

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