Chapter 5

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          ( Rikki is super confident! )

                     * A week later *

   " Girls I'm not so sure I can do this . " I said . " You can do this rikki! " destiny said . " Yeah we believe in you! " victoria said . " You've praticed so hard , you definitely got this! " maya said . " You can do it! " hailey said . " Plus bradon is here , and you wouldn't want to embarrass yourself in front of your boyfriend would you now? " maya teased . Heck no!
" Maya your not really helping there , hey if jason came to see me try out for soccer I'd not want to embarrass myself either . " maya said .

" She's right , I wouldn't want to embarrass myself in front of cody . " hailey said .
" I'd die if I embarrassed myself in front of tyler . " victoria said .
" Same here , I'd hide in my room forever if I embarrassed myself in front of westin . " destiny said . Yep , all of the girls got boyfriend's . I'm happy for them , and surprisingly they're boyfriend's are all friends with bradon . So yeah , what a coincidence isn't it?

Were outside at the volleyball court at school , I'm trying out for volleyball MVP today . The girls are here to support me , and so is bradon . But he's back outside on the bleachers , I still haven't came out of the locker room . I'm that nervous and scared 😖😨 . We haven't seen ulric , brooha or brute in a while . I guess they decided to lie low for a while , it's a good thing too cause if one of them show up , then there won't be any place for bradon to hide and I'll have to explain later .

And I don't wanna deal with all of that crap! So I'm hoping no bad guys or buffoon's show up today , cause I'm in no mood to deal with any of them! Cause I'm kinda stressed out right , I have been for a while now . Me and the girls got the talent show coming up , and we still haven't decided on what song were gonna sing . I've been trying to think about it , but every time I try either ulric or one of the two others show up! Plus I've now got a scar on my arm from stupid ulric!

It's from when he scratched me , it's now a scar! It's healed up at bit , but it's still there! And it hurts like heck! The doctor to not play for a while and to take it easy , but there's no way I'm listening to that doctor . I'm too stubborn , and mom knows it . I get it from her , mom sometimes regretting me having her stubbornness . Cause sometimes she'll say " Dang genetics! " . She hates it that much , but there are times when my stubbornness will come in handy . Like when I'm arguing with howlie , it comes in handy so that I win the argument .

But when it comes to arguing with mom , no one wins that battle . Oh boy . Plus me and the girls came up with our own catchphrase to say after we become the glitter force , it's to get our glitter energy spirit going!

" Time to blaze our way to a happy ending! Shining bright like shooting stars! Here comes the glitter force! "

That's our catchphrase! It actually works out well , and I have mine as well .

" You mess with me , your playing with fire! "

Which is true , and the girls know it . Maya says my red hair is a fire hazard just waiting to happen , destiny says my hair is a fireball ready to explode . Hahaha , very funny girls . Not really , they tease me but that's what friends do . We know this , cause we have great role models . And they are our moms , it's cause they're friendship never faded and they're still friends till this day! They went through the good and bad , they fought together side by side ad superheroes , they stayed friends throughout school and had no troubles!

My mom is my role model cause she's exactly like me , we're basically like twins! We're both stubborn , we both get really mad and it's like a fire , we're confident boosters for our friends , we're there for our friends and each other , and we support each other in any decision no matter what the situation is . So again , we're basically like twins . But except I'm mom's mini her , yep that's what I am! 😄

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