Author's note

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   Hey readers! I've got good news and bad news , but I'll say the good news first . The good news is that I'm gonna finish chapter 4 by tonight if I can , and the bad news is I won't have Internet this weekend . I'm going somewhere this weekend , and I won't have internet to publish the part after chapter 4 . I'm sorry , but I'm kinda having an early birthday celebration . Plus I'm going to my mom's friend house to celebrate , so don't be mad please! I don't want you to be upset , cause I'm promising that chapter 4 is gonna be awesome! Well I'm gonna try anyways! I'm very busy today . I've got to wash clothes that need to be packed , do dishes , put the clothes In the dryer and let them dry for an hour or 2 , then take them out and pack . It's exhausting for me , but I'm gonna make it through and write this chapter! I'll probably write the new part for chapter 4 during the weekend and then publish when I get back so you'll way more ahead and you can read it while I'm working on the new part . That's probably what I'm gonna do , and if you have any questions or anything to say comment and I'll answer . Cause I figured some of you have questions , and I'll be here to answer .  But I'm leaving tommorow at 10am , so if you have any questions ask before tommorow . Cause I won't be able to answer cause I've got stuff to do tommorow as well . I've got to take a shower , make sure I've got everything and that I'm ready tommorow . So say anything or forever hold your peace! Thanks for understanding , I'll update as soon as I get back! Bye . - bedavi02 out

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