Chapter 4

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  ( Rikki is smiling cause she's happy! )

          * Morning *

   " Rikki tike to get up! It's monday! Get up and get dressed , hurry up and come eat breakfast! " mom shouted from downstairs . I stirred and put the covers over my head . " Rikki rhydia ryder! Get up now! I'll get the ice water if I have to! " mom shouted again . I opened my eyes and fell out of my bed with a thud . I sat up and rubbed my head . " Ow , dang it mom . " I said . She's always doing this to me , why? Why mom? Why? Just why? As much as I love mom , she can somtimes be a pain in the butt . Ugh!
I look over to howlie's little bed , and she's fast asleep . How is she still asleep? I'm gonna say she's a heavy sleeper , I'm just gonna with that . I get up , make my bed and then go to my closet . I grab my uniform , change out of my night clothes and dress into the uniform .

I put on my knee - high socks and then put on my shoes , I walk over to my dresser and brush my tangled fiery red hair . Sometimes victoria thinks my hair is dangerous , but I don't think so . I brush my hair into a high ponytail , and leave my bangs out . I grab my messenger bag backpack , grab howlie put her in the bag and get my glitter pact . I then go downstairs , and I see mom at the stove picking up her mess . " Your hard to get up you know . " mom said . " So are you when it's the weekend . " I said . " touche . " she said . So I quickly ate breakfast , and then mom drove me to school .

        * At school *

  I'm at school , and i'm at my locker . Yesterday was stressful cause of having to fight brute , but at least I got what I've wanted the most . Bradon's my boyfriend! Then there's the talent show , me and the girls are suppose to go see the principal later and perform for her . Plus I still got to become volleyball MVP , I signed up for volleyball last friday .  So today's my first day of pratice! And I'm excited! I rearrange stuff from my locker , and just stay there . The girls show up , I close my locker and look at them .
" Hey rikki . " maya said . " I've got news . " I said . " Spill it . " hailey said .
Okay , that went by fast . I guess faster then I thought , oh well .

" Me and brandon are dating . " I said. The girls gasped and started having an " Omg " moment , and I was tempted to slap someone but the temptation went away . " When? " destiny asked . " Spill it girl! " maya said . " We want details! " victoria said . " All details! " hailey said . Oh come on! I sighed , and just decided to give up . " It happened last night , we were at my house on the porch . We were talking , then suddenly he had his arms around me and he had kissed me , I kissed him back and one thing led to another we were dating . And believe me it's hard explaining to my dad , I had to explain it to him six times ." I said . " That's how things are rikki . " destiny said . " Where's howlie? " hailey asked . " In my bag sleeping . " I said as I pointed to my messenger bag where the sleeping pixie was .

  " I just hope things with the principal go well , cause I really want us to perform in the talent show . " I said .
" Yes , I want things to go well too . " hailey said . " Maybe things will go good . " victoria said . " Let's not get all cheery vicky . " maya said . " Maya's right , there could be chance she could say no . " destiny said . I just can't believe we're getting the talent show stuff already , the school isn't suppose to be getting into this stuff until like next month I think . Oh well . " Let's get to class . " I said . So me and the girls walked side by side through the halls , people stared at us . We had also passed brandon who was with some of his friends , he had blew me a kiss and I caught it . He's really sweet! I'm happy I finally got a boyfriend , but I don't really need a boyfriend to make me happy or feel special . That's what friends are for , they've got your back no matter what .
But having some to be there for you when your friends can't be there is a good thing to , so I've got lots of people who are there for me . And I'm happy about that , and i'm smiling! I'm smiling cause I'm happy! So once me and the girls in class , class immediately begins .

          * Class over *

  Class is now over , now onward to studyhall! Once were in ms. hewit's room , we take seats next to each other and start working on different stuff . Destiny is working on history stuff , hailey is reading a fairytale book , victoria is drawing and maya does what maya does best when she's got nothing better to do . Sleeping! Maya did say she had to watch her siblings for a while last night , so she said she'd be tired . I don't blame her , I'd be tired too if I had to stay up and watch my siblings . But I don't have any , so I don't know what it feels like .            I have nothing to do , so I lay my head down on my arms and just stay like this . I wish bradon were here .
" Ms. hewit? " the intercom came on .
" Yes? " ms. hewit asked .

" The principal would like to see destiny , maya , rikki , victoria and hailey in her office . " miss kirby said on the intercom . " They're on they're way right now . " ms. hewit said .
" Okay thank you . " miss kirby said .
" You girls can go . " ms. hewit said to us . I shook maya , she woke up and then we went to the principal's office . When we got there , we saw the principal and miss joyce  sitting next to her . " Amanda these are the girls I told you about , these girls can represent our school and we might actually win . " miss joyce said to the principal . " You think so? " the principal asked miss joyce .
" Certainly . " miss joyce said to the principal .

Miss joyce looked at us , and she smiled . " Girls your going to be singing to the principal matthews , she'll decided if you'll get to represent the school at the talent show . " miss joyce said . I looked to the principal and she smiled at us , she's nice . I like her . Maya took out her phone , got on YouTube and typed in the song we sung in class before .

  " Let's go! " destiny  said .
" You know we love to love to sing together , we got to got to dance forever , we have to have to run all night that's what we need ( Yeah yeah yeah ) Hang with us were gonna get down , we're really gonna rock this town! ( Town! ) " me and the girls sang . " You will find that we are one , this can never be undone . There is nothing that can get in our way! ( Way way way ) Have you heard what they say? You can always count on me! Gotta dream gotta breathe all the light , shine on me! Ooooooooh! " I sang .

" Let's go! " destiny said ." You know we love to love to sing together , we got to got to dance forever , we have to have to run all night that's what we need ( Yeah yeah yeah ) oh oh oh oh oh , Dance and fun is what we need! " we sang as the song then ended . Once the song ended , it took principal matthews a while to think . But once she was done , she looked at us . I hope she says yes! I'm hanging onto hope now! " I'm letting you represent  the school in the talent show , don't blow this girls . Were counting on you . " principal matthews said to us with a smile . Holy mother of pixies yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
  I'm really excited and happy! Wahoo! Thank the lord! Yeah! We did it! We're gonna get to perform in the talent show! Praise the lord! Cause we're happy! And I'm excited! This is what we all wanted as group , and it's coming true! I guess dreams do come true after all , I should male dreams more often .

So me and the girls walked out of the office with smiles on our faces , and we went back to studyhall . Once we were there , we get back to what we're doing and just enjoy the rest of the class time .

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