Chapter 2

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  ( This song kinda relates to how Rikki feels like , she feels like she's falling and someone needs to catch her since she's in shock . )

  I'm a what? Huh? What did howlie just say? " Your a warrior! " she said again . I'm a warrior! What the heck! Is she kidding!?! Is she serious!?! Is she crazy!?! Am I crazy!?! Do I believe her? Probably not! Cause I have never been in a fight before! Never less have I thrown the first punch! Okay , the talking bat is crazy! Okay , I feel like I'm falling! I'm shocked! Somebody catch me!

I look at mom , and she looks at me .
" You brought home a bat? " she asked . " I'm not a bat! I'm a pixie bat! Haven't you ever heard of pixies before? As I recall , you used to have my cousin candy! " howlie said as she snapped at my mom . Holy mother of fudge! Never in my life have I heard of someone snap at my mom except for my dad . Mom and dad don't really argue much , but if they do then it's usually mom to start the argument .

But to hear it from a talking pixie , you might think your crazy . I grab howlie and hold her in my arms , she squirms in my grasp . " Mom , what does she mean by warrior? " I asked . Wait , it kinda making sense now . When I was little , mom would tell me stories about girl warriors that went by the names of " Glitter Lucky , Glitter Sunny , Glitter Peace , Glitter Spring and Glitter Breeze " .

She said they'd fight bad guys from the ' Shadow realm ' . And the bad guys were a Witch , Wolf , Troll and a Joker . They're names were " Brooha , Ulric , Brute and Rascal " . The bad guys would turn a happy ending into a bad ending , and the girls beat them to make it a happy ending again .

I was just a kid when she told me those stories , well at least I thought they were stories . But now I don't know if they were stories or not , cause I think they were real . I mean Ulric the wolf in a blue onsie just showed up and may have accidentally raked my arm! Well I was squirming , so maybe I accidentally caused it . But nevermind!

" Mom if there's something your hiding from me , please tell me . Remember , there's no secrets between us . " I said . I looked at her , she shook and hesitated . Her lip quivered , and she crosses her arms . She looks like she's about to cry , I should comfort her . So I drop howlie , she hits the floor with a thud . " Ow! " she whined . And I walked over to mom and hugged her .

If it's something that's hard to tell , then maybe she doesn't have to tell me . But right now , I'd like to know . Mom then looked at me , and I looked at her . " Mom , what is it? " I asked . " You might want to sit down for this rikki . " she said . So we sat on the couch , and she told me everything . And I mean everything!

   * An hour and 30 minutes later *

   Mom had told me everything , including that I'm warrior . She said those stories she told me as a kid are real , all the people are real . And those girls who saved the world , those were mom and her friends . She took me to the " Library of Legends " , and showed me a book that told a story . She told me the story .

Apparently a place called " Jubiland "
was attacked by this Emperor nogo and his evil minions , but the queen put him to sleep and that also made her fall asleep as well cause it took a lot of energy , and she lost these
" Glitter charms " , so she sent Candy who is howlie's cousin to look for the legendary " Glitter force " ,

and the glitter force warriors were my mom and her friends , Mom was glitter sunny and she was the second to join the team , so on mom and her friends beat nogo's minions time and time until candy was captured and so were the glitter charms , so mom and her friends along with the help of candy's brother pop , they saved candy along with the glitter charms and defeated nogo's minions and nogo .

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