The life of Izzy

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This just came to me randomly so I though i'de write it Down :)

I'll tell you everyone 

Well first there's Izzy-

Izzy Strange-long waste pale blond (almost sliver) hair you need to look close to see and red eyes mistaken for contacts, quite skinny but hey, she's a vampire  

Izzy's friends and other characters-

Jill Alexander - frizzy blond hair, red eyes also mistaken for contacts

Rachel Alexander - blond hair with different color streaks, red eyes, sister of Jill.

Blake Ross- brown hair, red eyes(duh.) dating Jill.

Gregg Simpson- spiky light brown hair, red eyes, dating Rachel  

And last but not least 

Wolf black- black hair, green eyes, quite tall, new kid.   

Chapter one-

Izzy's POV-

"Izzy, wake up now!" my friend Jill yelled, pushing me off my bed. 

Of course it didn't hurt. And yes, we don't sleep upsidedown or in coffins all the time. That part of all the crap humans say about us isn't true, but we don't age- That's true.

It's about 4:21 A.m. 

I stand up and get dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a black long sleeved shirt with a forest green corset , and black heeled boots. 

"Hurry up, I'm hungry!" Jill says by the door. 

"Calm down, I'm tying my boot!" With that said, i tied my boot, and I just used my speed and went with them(Rachel, Jill, Blake, and Gregg) to the city for our prey.

We don't kill them, they just think it's a bug bite or something dumb like that  when we bite them.

The girls and I walk to these three men looking us up and down.

I get the tallest because, well, I'm the tallest. 

"Come here for a second" I say to him with a smile.  

He looks at me but leans down and I bite his neck. 

When I'm done, I wipe my mouth and run at full speed to the boys.  

"Blake, Gregg, done?" I ask, as I see Blake bring up his prey and run to me.

"You touch me with that bloody hand, and I'll rip it off in your sleep!" I hiss, laughing at him.

"Oh fine," he says, wiping it on his black pants. I mentally roll my eyes at how dumb he was to do that.  

"How did you get screwed with sliver hair?" He asked, messing with my hair. 

I slapped away his hand and fixed the part of my hair that he messed up. 

"I'm not sure, but I don't care. I love my hair." I smile, and we go find the others. 

"Izzy, your so fast, you pig!" Jill says smiling and wiping her mouth. 

Blake wraps an arm around her waist while Rachel comes back and we all go back to the car. 

"Ugh, I hate school!" I whine, laying on Jill's lap and she pets my hair.

"Too bad," she says, hitting my forehead.  

I growl at her and she smiles.  

When we get there I make my way to my locker and get my books out. 

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