Chapter 3:) (<--devil face)

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Hiii guys! It's currently not the author of the book, it's her bestfriend, the girl she bases Rachel on cause her name is Rachel and so is mine and OUR PERSONALITYS ARE IDENTICAL!!! gosh I wish I had the powers to talk to animals though :/.... 

I'm her editor, but i didn't edit the last chapter because I got bored after editing the first chapter :P So much work!!!! :O lalalalallalala. But I will be editing her next chapters, so...Here! :)

Chapter 3:

Gregg's POV:

After we convinced Wolf to leave, and that nothing was up, we opened the passenger door and the door for the back seat of the car. Jill got shotgun.  

I dont think Izzy and Rachel heard us open the doors cause Izzy went- 


"I made them look like Jerry from Tom and Jerry." Rachel said smiling calmly. 

"WHY?!" Izzy yelled. 

"Because you have tiny boobies, it only makes sense." she said giggling putting her hand over her mouth and turning away. Suddenly she stopped, her hand still covering her mouth, her eyes basically popping out. 

"OH MY GOSH I COULD USE JILLY'S BRA FOR TOM! Her boobies are big enough." she smiled. 

"Oh no you wont!" Jill said.  

Rachel was sitting In the middle. We all came in and blake and I smirked at eachother. 

"What a keeper, Gregg." Izzy said to me, and she started to drive.

Izzy's POV:

As I started the car and left the school, jill put the raido on.  

"What if I-" Rachel started  

"No" I said for the 100th time  

"but what if I could" 


She huffed and smiled again 

"how do you kn- Ohhh yeah" she said, leaning into greggs arm  

When we got home we all went to the sofa in the Den, or as I call it, the man cave. Theres every game system you can think of there.

The boys started to play and I started to read.

Rachel skipped in an looked around. 

"I'm going to see Cody and Lucinda." 

"Who?" we all said looking at her. 

"a lovely ghost couple from 1872 " she said, and with that she left. 

Blake patted Gregg on the shoulder. 

"Keeper..."he said in a sarcastic tone. 

Gregg shrugged his hand of. 

He put down the video game controller. 

"stop saying it like that. She is a keeper. She's unique."  

And with that he walked away. 

"You see what you did, Blake!" I said, accusingly. 

About twenty minutes later, Rachel comes home with a lollipop.  

"Hi Rachel, we're setting up the table for dinner, wanna help?" I asked. 

"um, i wanna finish my lollipop first. " she said. 

"Okay, where'd you get it from?"  

"Oh, this little kid was holding it out but he wasn't happy when he gave it to me. He started crying." she shrugged and skipped away. 

About 10 minutes later, there was a plate of steak, that could still be mistaken for breathing. It was also still a bit bloody. Just like we like it. 

I called everybody to the dinner table, and everybody sat down, putting some steak on their plate. 

There was an awkward silence until Rachel talked.

Rachels POV:

There was an awkward silence until I spoke up. 

"Now I have nothing to make my puppets out of." I said. 

"Why can't you ask one of your animals to make you one out of like sticks or leaves or something like that?" Izzy said.  

"I'm not snow white, silly! They don't do things for me. I could talk to them, but not make them do things. Thats Blakey's job. And also, birds don't make my bed!" 

"Yea, that's my job." Jilly said.

Izzy POV:

"Calm down grumpy number 1." Rachel said to Jill. 

"You're grumpy number 2. You never talk to me." she pointed to thin air. Probably a ghost, since I could hear thoughts from it.  

"Uhm, Rachel? He doesn't speak English." I said. 

"But I don't speak English. I speak British english." she said. 

I sighed.  

"I speak English and I'm British, Rachel what's that make me?" I smirked  

"It makes you a slivered hair blood drinking smart vampire Name isakah" she smiled. 

"And how about Jill?" I asked. 

"a grumpy British speaking girl." Rachel put her hand on her chin as if she was actually thinking, all though the only thing that was going on in her mind was Tom chasing Jerry in never ending circles. 

I laughed. "Doesn't that make you dizzy, Rachel?"  

She laughed, too. "Maybe." 

"What's she thinking?" Blake asked. 

"Tom and Jerry chasing eachother." I answered. 

We kept eating for a few minutes in silence, and then Rachel breaks the silence again. 

"Ring Ring." she says. 

Then she giggles. I can feel thoughts of someone that I don't know, but it's as if they're blocking they're thoughts so I'm not able to hear. 

Rachel giggles again and looks up. 

"Your silly. I won't bite you. Even if I do, i can heal you. But you're a ghost. I can't sink my teeth into you!" 

She smiles. Everybody's looking at Rachel now. We're all done eating so it's entertaining to watch. 

Then her face drops.  

"But you can't be! Get out. Get out now!" she stands up and runs upstairs. A cold breeze goes through the room and then leaves.

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