am i Having fun yet?

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OKAY screw it since no one is freaking reading this im just doing it for fun -_- chapter may get .Hot i guess so yeah for the what 5 who read this ENJOY!!

(and if i have more comment/like it may get me to go faster)

Izzy's P.O.V

its been about a hour into this party and i'm bored i rather go with rchel and Jill shopping and thats saying something

"Hey izzy Why so down?" (w) Arron asked slinging his arm on my shoulder

"Oh nothing i'm bored" i said pushing his arm off

"Come play truth or dare woth Rachel,Gregg,Jill,Blake,Wolf,Me,arron,cam and alot of other people PLEASEE!" he said

"Ugh fine" i said hiding my grin under my hair

"YES!" he said fist pumping hte air... he's drunk

he pulled me to where everyone was playing

in the living room was a bottle on the floor(well the one where using there about 50 others)

everyone is ehter on the floor sofa or making out in the corrnor

Thank god i locked my door rachel did for a fact she said "Sex is icky and i dont want people doing it in my room"

i sat on the floor next to rachel and cam who im resting my head on theres about 100 or so kids here and i can hear each of there thoughts It hurts

"Cam i dont wanna play" i said into his shoulder he chuckled and rubbed circles on my back as he went back to talking (Very vvery dirty) to arron(V)

"okay ill start" Blake said spinning the bottle

it landed on a girl with a Aqua curly hair and bright blue eyes her name is Duh duh duh duhhhhhhhh


"okay Truth or dare" he asked her

she though about it

"Truth" she said grinning

"you a virgen?" he asked as she blushed deep red

"Yes" she whispered

'alrighty then" blake said as Aqua spon and it landed on rachel

:Truth or dare?"

"Dare' rachel said giggling into Gregg's Arm telling Aqua he's her's

"alright i dare you to make up with Gregg" she smiled

rachel giggled pecked him and ran with him

"aww i wanna redo!" Aqua said laughing

"fine since rachel Left" i said wishing i could as well

"alright Izzy Truth or dare"she said

"Truth' i said shaking my head grinning

'Oh hehe Izzy how far have you gone" she said

"to be honest i've never dated before i found Alec's clan i though i was a nastey monster but when they found there love i knew i had to wait same with my them" i said pointing to Jill

"oh" i heard her say as i spon the bottle

it was on Cam

"Cammy-Boo TorD"

"DARE DARE DARE" he said jumping in his seat

i grinned

"okay whisper something bad into (V) Arrron's ear if he likes it you do it late if he thinks its not he gets to spank yeah" i said

"ohh izzy has a naughty side!" Wolf said amused laughing

i winked in return

"izzy It was Lovely when can we leave"he said grinning

"After he spins" i said as the grinned

"alright Wolf TorD!" he said

"Dare" shocker

"Sorry iz i dare you to make out with IzzyBear here"

"aw wh-" and i was cut off my Wolfs mouth freaking eatting mine

and the very evil side wanted more and took over and kissed back if it even was a kiss anymore

my hands went to his cheeks holding him there i'm kinda sad to say i feel lovely sparks at his touch

i pushed him away and sat back down seeing as im on my knees now

Oh what i 'Fun' Night

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