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Rachel's P.O.V and BTW Happy late B-Day Rachel <3 <3 <3

i finished yelling at Izzy for the second time now stealing my blood pun intended

"Hello Piggy the pig!" a unicorn who died piggy gave me a Unicorny Smile

"Izzy! pour me some more Please" i giggled as Izzy Growled and repoured my cup

"Happy?" Izzy growled again making me clap "Good job Izzy-Boo!" i cheered in delight with my pinky out like a true Brit. "teehee" i giggled out loud and then Jill and Blake walked in "Hey Guys" Blake says

"Hey Blakey!" i giggled and Jill smirked

"whats wrong Jilly?" i say

"Nothing oh nothing little sister" she says in a sarcastic tone

i frown under my hands so no one can see.

i linked my arm into Gregg's and skip out as Gregg was kinda dragged behind me

as we 'walked' out of the kitchen the wolf pack were staring at us

i stuck my tongue out at them playfully and then they growled and smiled back in a friendly tone

i trotted up the stairs skipping into Jill's room and Rummage through Jill's draws till i found what i was looking for

a large grey bra and admire the nice drawing of Tom from tom and Jerry

i giggle and run past Gregg in the hall he yells "HEY!" and  i run back and grab him by his arm and bolt down the stairs i walk into the kitchen i whisper to myself 'Good'

as everyone is here

i hold up Jill's bra and say "HEY GUYS LOOK AT MY DOODLE OF TOM FROM TOM AND JERRY!"

everyone cracks up but Jill she grabbed Blake by the hand and stormed out Izzy gave me a Wary look and then i felt bad inside. Everyone went quite

when Blake walked back in and "Not cool Rachy" he said in a mean and Sarcastic voice

Then (W) Arron said "Dude leave her be she was only trying to be funny" "Well Jill didnt think it was to funny nether did i"

Then Izzy spoke up

"Blake, Dont be like this you know its not such a big deal"

"Look who's talking!" Izzy's face turned into a scary scowl

"Shut the hell up spoiled little Pussy" she hissed

Blake was about to say something but was cut off by the sound of rain and thunder

I screamed and went under greg's arm.

then piggy the pig Unicorn came and whispered don't cry

and i giggled

"I love you Piggy!" i say and then turn to see Blake giving me a dirty look and he mumbles "You guys arn't even worth my time" and then me and Izzy say sorry Blake at the same time

i hate his gift

i put my hand over my mouth

"I didnt mean to say that"

"Its okay Darling" Gregg says

Then i throw her bra at the wall and Gallop up the stairs into my room and start talking to Piggy , he under stands me

Jill's P.O.V

"THAT BRAT!" i hiss as blake rubs my shoulder


"Its alright we'll get her back" Blake said, Trying to sooth me

"What kind of sister is she?!"i went on

"She embarrassed me, and shes an Embarrassment to her self!"

"We'll she is Rachel" Blake said shrugging

"Are you standing up for her! DONT! DONT YOU DARE STAND UP FOR HER!" i yelled

"Im not! im just saying that shes an Embarrassment" he defended himself

"Never mind, im going for a walk" i said and slammed the door

Blake's P.O.V 

What a drama Queen!

i run after her i almost get to her but just turn around she needs to cool off a bit

what should i do about her? i think and i bumb into Lily

"Watch it" She hisses

then Roxy and Lavender come out of no where

"Blake come with us now!"

i follow confused

we stop infront of Rachels room

i hear Gregg calming a crying Rachel down

"W-Why do they hate me! my own S-Sister" i heard through the door

"Ypu hear that? you did that!" Roxy yelles  about to slap me

"Geez Relax i didnt know i'd make her cry"

"apoligize!" Lily shouts

"Fine" i know i have to do this

"you know what! No im not doing this Shit!" i yell "This isnt my probloem"

"You started the problom!" Lavender says Slapping me

"I was sticking up for my Mate!" then i run down the stairs and out the door

OKAY ill post the rest later one this week People


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