Alone time that never lasts

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THERE OUTFITS ARE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"Okay class for homework-" Mrs Abe a science teacher that i must say is a pedo said i just ignored her she knows better from me i pass this class with out trying....then again I'm about 100 years old so yeah. Rachel and the Wolf pack have been up to pranks all week its quite funny.

The wolfs Filled rachels Locker with Ping Pong balls

Rachel while they were sleeping (with all of our help) put hot souse on there mouth so when they woke up they were screaming since it was quite hot

the wolves changed her Computer sound so when she logged on it sounded like bombs which she freaked out

the list goes on and on some are funny but some are crazy!

"So Izzy since when are you in the high classes?" Wolf asked


"Wolfy I'm about 100 years old i've learned all of this and lived through haft of it as well" i said patting his cheek

today I'm wearing a 'cool story bro....tell it again' shirt with dark skinny jeans black moccasins and a stripped hoodie (i gave Rachel my time turner so now I'm wearing a black lace choker with a Victorian lady on it)and my hair is down with the crow braided 

Rach is wearing Cat ears headband a "monsters need hugs too" blue shirt a pink ruffle skirt with black hoes and lace up knee high converse a British and rubber bracelet's

and last Jilly is wearing very boring outfit to me at least a white shirt black and white poka dot skirt and black high heels and a simple pink blazer and heart necklace

AND that wraps up a small fashion show of the day

"IZZY!" i heard two voices yell before Wolf could say anything

"Yes?" i said

"Izzy my locker is empty and i need my things!" (w) Arron said pointing at Rachel

"Well he filled mine with ping pong balls Izzy!" Rachel said back

"Am i your mother?" i said putting my book in my backpack

"YES!" they both yelled i rolled my eyes "Arron what class do you have next?" i asked OH i just love lunch

"Mrs Abe" he said and shudder "well just tell her,since your in the middle class and not in mine she's a lot nicer so she'll understand after all Rachel,Jill and i Drive her crazy" i said walking outside as i heard Rachel's Laughing followed by a shriek my guess is ether that he picked her up or Gregg did.

"HEY IZZY!" someone else yelled

UGH cant i relax for once! "Yes?" i asked it was Isaac 'i can't believe i'm asking my best friend this!' he though "Yes what are you asking me" i said looking up at him and smiled softly "the boys and i want you to take (v) Arron out so we can set up (v) Arron's 100th birthday, its a surprise party" He said with a small smile "Uh Sure we'll take him to a movie or something i guess" i said as he nodded "thanks" and left 

i sat down under a tree and pulled out my book but was sadly interrupted by another person and the nice sunny day started to get a bit cloudy "Um Izzy we Join you" Alec and Lily asked grinning i just nodded and swapped my book for my blood bottle

as the rest of the day past we were soon home and doing nothing really Hugo and Roxy are at the movies, Alec,Cam,both arrons,Wolf and the pack,Gregg and Blake were in the game room and the rest of the girls were at the mall....again and I'm reading in the game room and listen to (w) Arron plan a new prank with Wolf. with out them knowing i go to my room and kick off my shoes and start to draw a rose and a burning room. by time i start coloring it in there's a knock

"yes Cam and Arron" i say as the walk in and raid my closet "were looking for something Smexy for you to wear for Arron's Birthday were doing something" Cam says with a sly wink 'before the party' i just nod as the continue there search "really iz you still have this" they say holding out a short black dress with darker black poka dots on it its sleeveless as well "yea you and Roxy got it for me for my leaving party" i said rolling my eyes ( "well we like it but it wont do so were gonna go shopping so e aware" they said wrapping me in a hug and kissing my cheeks "and when are you and Wolfy gonna mate" Arron said smirking "On your birthday" i said with sarcasm

Okay i know its short and i know its been forever but hey ENJOY!

The life of IzzyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora