I could hear voices, laughing, and children. I struggled to use the walls to travel to where the voices were coming from. I wanted to scream for help but my voice just sounded like a croak then a actual voice. I looked around as I was leading towards the voices. The house was huge, almost like a maze. However, as I got closer to the voices, I met my worse arch rival. The stairs. I knew I couldn't just easily walk down them because I would just fall with how fragile my legs were. I wanted to give up right there and then. I wanted to cry at how much in pain I was. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs for help or anyone to help me believe I'm not dead. I don't remember anything. How I had gotten here, my location or how I got these injuries. Every time I tried to remember, my head would string and my ears would ring to the point of making me go crazy. I swore I could see the two stairs, even though I knew there was only one set right in front of me.My vision was getting worse too.

I fell to the floor as it was just going more painful for my body to even stand up right against the wall anymore. I slowly crawled to the stairs, this way, my body was screaming less. I knew there was only one way to walk down these damn steps. I was going back to the old fashioned root, I was going to walk. I could hear the voices clearer as my trembling legs were on all fours were trying to get to the stairs.I could hear the laughter of small children louder, I could hear different males voices. They were all speaking in a different language. I wasn't sure what language because it hurt too for my brain to even figure it out. I finally made it to the first step and watched the first step in fear. Falling would lead to my death. Before I even attempt the challenge. I notice something on my wrists and ankles. Red markings were shaped like hoops around my wrists and ankles like bracelets. I was confused by them. Then I noticed a watch hugging my wrist. I never remembered this watch. As I was mesmerised by the red markings and the beautiful designed watch, I never notice the male staring at me from the bottom of the stairs. However, I recognized those honey eyes with their strange silver lining. They were staring at me with no emotions. They suddenly crept up the stairs towards me. I watched them take each small step with fear. I was trembling because everytime I looked at them. A sense of unknown fear filled my core and I shifted back to get away from those emotionless cold eyes. Yet my body had already gave up on me with a scream in pain. Before I knew it, a dark shadow overcasted over my small figure. I looked up with a gulp, I was scared. A fear that had no reason for being there and when I tried to remember why, my head strung yet my body was shaking violently.

He suddenly crouched to my level and a unusual soft look was in his eyes. It didn't make me feel more anymore relaxed. I wanted to get away from him and run. I wanted to escape from being in the same location as him. He was a God with that kindness in his eyes. Yet I felt like my body was reminding me of something I couldn't remember. A fear that my brain wanted to remember yet they couldn't even if they tried. I was confused why this God was standing in front of me, I was once a follower of his and his brother yet for some reason. I no longer worshipped them. I feared them. I was wanted to get away so badly. I closed my eyes instinctively like I was waiting for something. Yet my eyes widened when I felt a hand suddenly on my cheek. It cherished my cheek so gently like I was a child or a small animal. "You're cold correct?" I noticed what he meant when he said I was cold. I looked at I was wearing, just a old blue shirt and white boxers. They were mine. I don't remember putting these on. He suddenly took off his small jacket and quickly put it around my shoulders. I watched him.

I tried to speak yet my voice kept as a deep and disgusting sounding coak. I held my throat painfully and hated that I couldn't ask questions or speak even a single word. I wanted to know what was going on. I wanted to speak. I wanted to scream. I wanted to get away from this god. My senses are going all over the place even with this kindness. He's not who I think he is. My senses are telling me. Their voices are whispering things that I can't understand or make out because the ringing in my head. My body was telling me something, yet my mind couldn't comprehend it. Suddenly, before I could do a thing, I was being picked up.He was holding me in a bridal position and I resisted yet I didn't do much against his strong grip. He gave me a strange look at my resisting. "Hold on tight." I think he knew I couldn't walk and he took me down the stairs. I was forced to hold onto him so I wouldn't drop as I literally felt every step he took. I wanted to cry in pain because my body wasn't taking too well to moving like this. I wanted to cry so badly but restrained and hid my face in the crack in his neck. I knew this looked weird yet I didn't care enough because of the pain.

Your ours and we won't let you escape (boyxboy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz