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standing in a room, all alone, i look into the reflection of  the mirrored window. i can't see them, but i know they are there. i dont move, i stand still. i wont let my anger get to me, i wont let them see how powerless they think i am. when the time is right, all hell will break loose.

"Nyella Magnolia" they speak through the speakers,the person is a female. i stand and nod, i am not wearing a sour face, my face is actually mutual. "before we start we want to gain your trust, just as much you want to gain ours, but can we make an agreement before we enter?" the lady speaks once again, for some reason, i feel as if i can trust her, "only if you agree to tell me what is going on" i reply my voice stern. i hear a sigh. "very well, if you must know, the government has informed all very world known scientist, to create weapons, for- uh.. an up coming war. this testing has been done for nearly over 50 yrs, none stop. we the TLU have contain great people who have the ability to have the will to survive and protect, such as yourself-"

"okay cool..but what have you done to us to make us 'weapons'" 

"i was getting there" they sounded pissed, oops.

"the reason you have been selected was because we can not test on a healthy body, unfortunately, we had to use a damaged body, weather the person was, dying, we could heal their problem, with the 'product' we have created"

"which is?"

"that is..classified..i'm sorry"

"i can accept that, but what i can not accept is the fact that you took people who were not willing to do such a thing, you didnt even give us a chance to say a word, not even a chance to say good bye" thats as much as i will say. on the other side of the window, it is quiet.

"can..you tell me..why my eyes are blue?" the though never came to me before, but i have notice, my eyes are blue, like my younger brothers eyes. but the thing is, my eyes have all ways been brown.

"I'm sorry, but i can not tell you, because i dont know my self" she says, i just nod my head, 

"it's fine" i hang my head down, if i look at myself any longer, i would break down, these eyes, remind me of my dead brother.

"i must also clarify something. you know what shift shapers are yes?" i nod 

"well, the product that is within you and the others, allow you to shift." impossible! i snapped my head up and looked towards the mirrored window "what are you saying?"

"you heard me well enough, but there are different types, some change full body and mind, but you dont, this is what we like to call a mirage, your 'power' is switched off, so i can only see who you are , truely, but sometime you flash into who i love the most, my son. i dont know why, but maybe it has something to do with your personality, or even your heart."

im dumb founded, how? 

i went to say something, but in return i hear a crash from the next room, then..barking and snarling?

a red light goes on and off, and a loud  siren goes off. the room i am in is being sealed off so i can not escape. 

"what is happening?!"

there was no answer to my call..

what on earth?

((enjoy..and the song soooo good!! thumbs up for okami, and the singer Annapantsu))

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