Alpha and Omega

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I don't know when or how I found myself in front of the small shack in the farthest most isolated part of the village, all I knew was that her scent radiated from the little building informing me that she was in there.

I contemplated many things in the span of a few short minutes as I looked at it from the outside. It was past midnight and now the moon was out in full, illuminating the dangerously broken down place she called a home.

I could feel Grimm's dread and worry. She looked badly injured the last time we had seen her, and though I didn't want to care, it couldn't be helped. The mate bond was still there after all.

Slowly making my way inside I hesitated when I realized just how small her place actually was. The entire place was smaller than the smallest single room in the pack house and it killed me that she lived here by herself. There was a small fridge in the corner nearest the front of the house and a door that I believed must have led to her bathroom. Her bed was tucked against the far backside wall in the corner beside the one window in the shack. There was a small little table against the wall closest to where I was and one chair.

I hesitated when the floorboards creaked beneath my weight but when I got no reaction I continued. I walked in, careful not to wake her, but as I got closer I realized that wasn't going to be an problem. She was still in the clothes from earlier. They were ripped, dirty and stained with so much blood—the nauseating smell which had me recoiling because of how strong it was.

Victor, is she-

Quiet, Grimm.

I held my breath as I slowly approached her, fear encompassing me whole. I don't know how I would be able to handle it if she were... let alone how Grimm would handle it. She was unconscious and she was taking very rapid and shallow breaths in order to regain some oxygen in her lungs as her body tried desperately to cling onto life. She was on the brink of death and from the looks of it she was losing the fight.

My legs moved on their own and I was trying hard to keep from losing control over to Grimm. Who knew what he would do if allowed him to do what he pleased. The worst would be going ahead and marking her without either of our consent. I shook off those thoughts. I needed to stay in control.

I was now by her bedside, the small mattress tattered beneath her body which seemed so frail from malnutrition no doubt. She was being starved. Who knew what else this poor girl had to suffer through everyday. I didn't even know her name. To everyone she was just the omega, but this girl had a name like everyone else. A name I would never know if she died.

We need to save her, Victor. We can't let her die.


I WILL NOT ALLOW HER TO DIE! He roared loudly in my head. For a moment, I felt the power shift and I bit back to hold onto the reigns of control. You owe me this much! 

His voice took a much softer tone now. We rejected her and now we're killing her. We can't just sit here and do nothing. We owe it to her.

I nodded. Knowing he was right. I couldn't stand the thought of her dying, nor stomach the idea of allowing her to die after what I did to her. She deserved a life of happiness, even if it wasn't with me. hurts to even think of that.

Of course it hurts to think of her being happy with someone else. She's our mate.

I ignored him, fighting the urge to reach forward and brush her hair back from her face. She was glistening from the sweat and beneath the rips and tears of her clothing I could see the deep gashes and lacerations she received from whatever piece of shit rogues she managed to come across. I couldn't wait to find them and rip their throats out for this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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