Chapter 16

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Dam, this really seems short. I did just write it in an hour. SORRY THAT IS LACKS ANY PLOT CHANGING STUFF. THAT IS COMING UP. I love you all and let me say, those comments are literally like gunpowder to me. I just kind of explode with joy and then giggle like a freak. It might be a problem. My parents think I'm insane because it happens every time I get a notification. OH MY GODS WHAT IF THEY THINK I HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR SOMETHING. Eh. You guys are my significant others. LoVe TO YOu.


The Second Seven had very mixed reactions in meeting Lewis. It ranged from complete terror to utter adoration actually. It went like this:

Piper: "HOLY FRIZ POP GIVE HIM TO ME." She then proceeded to almost tackle the kid in a hug that might have damaged any other toddler. He totally went with it, wrapping his trunk around her torso which severely surprised her, but she was to excited to care much. The kid was cute.

Jason: "Oh my goodness gracious, that boy is precious. And a snake?? What??" Nico just raised his eyebrows and shrugged, tucking his hands under his arms so that they wouldn't feel cold with the lack of Lewis's hand. He also didn't want to accidentally take Will's hand, as he felt like doing.

Reyna: "My, my, di Angelo, you sure know how to pick them." Nico was thoroughly miffed when her gaze went from Lewis's handsome child face to Will's handsome and less child-like face before reaching Nico's. Will blushed with a smirk, which didn't make Nico feel any better.

Lou Ellen: "PIPER DON'T HOG HIM." She then went into a full questionnaire with Lewis who answered all the question happily. Both girls were surprised when he answered the question "Where did you come from?" with a very, very detailed description and instructions to his home and the inside.

Ceceil: "NOPE." He turned on his heel and made to run, but Reyna caught his collar and instead pulled him into a crushing, but emotionless hug as a means of comfort. She pat his head a couple times, but he just made muffled screams in response.

Meanwhile Lewis was enjoying the company with chatter and movement that blurred into a steady stream. After about three minutes of this awkward situation, Ceceil still screaming, Jason kind of floating away from Lewis steadily, Reyna standing with her only slightly intrigued expression, Will rocking on his heels, the girls fawning over the snake child, Nico picked Lewis up with strong arms and set him next to him so that the girls would stop talking.

"Now," he started, interrupting Lewis's conversation. "This is Lewis, though some of you may know that already." He glared at Will and the two girls, who all blushed and looked at their feet. "He's very informed on all subjects of demigod lives, so I figured he could give us some instruction for our mission."

Reyna nodded and released Ceceil so that she could give her attention to Nico fully. Ceceil proceeded to scramble behind Lou Ellen and clutch at her pack.

Lewis turned to look at Will and then tugged on his shirt hem, gaining his attention. "Could I have my things back now, Sunshine?" he asked in a very loud whisper that the girls practically squealed over.

Will looked surprised and almost crippled with cuteness when he dropped down to hand Lewis his book and drink. "Where did you learn that nickname little man?" he asked kindly, his glance going up to Nico- who remained stiff and forward looking.

Lewis shrugged as he stabbed the Pacfic Cooler. "You just look like that. Like you're made of sunshine."

Chuckling, Will stood back up. Nico didn't meet his gaze, but could imagine how the excitement would shine in his eyes at such a compliment. It almost made him- wait- was he actually- jealous?

Nico practically bit his own tongue in an effort to bring his common sense back. This was no time for jealousy- not that it was ever a time for him to be jealous. He really shouldn't ever be jealous again. Anyway, now was a time for tactics. Planning. For deciphering that gods forsaken riddle that Apollo just loved cooking up for the little demigods. He made a note in his mind to disrespect the god in the least inevitable death way he could the next time he saw him.

"Okay guys, Lewis is going to give us some information-hopefully- that will get us a little more comfortable with the whole 'Great Prophecy' crap."

Lewis's brow furrowed and he tugged on Nico's hand. "Language," he warned in his adorable child voice. "And don't you dare try cuss in those other languages either. I know those."

Piper giggled and Will tried to hide his quivering lip.

Nico just rolled his eyes and continued. "We don't have much time, but I figured going in a bit more prepared is better than not."

"Alright then," Reyna said, stepping forward. "Let's get right to it." She plopped down into the grass and leaned forward, staring earnestly at Lewis. "What do you know about 'Shadow's Peak, Lewis?" she asked bluntly.

Jason stopped floating and dropped back down with the protest, "Wait, guys, can I just get some clarification?" Looking at Nico, he asked quickly, "Who is he? Where did he come from? When was the trust developed? Why can he help us? And why in the name of the gods is he so darn cute?"

Piper almost looked like she was going to answer the questions, but Nico calmly spoke first. "His name is Lewis. He came from Tartarus. I started trusting him when he told me the pitiful story of his predicament. He read the entire Library of Congress and the secret demigod section so he is quite knowledgeable. And as for that last question," Nico shrugged, "Maybe some demons grow to be as hot as the land they are born in."

Jason blinked and said, "That was probably inappropriate to say for a child." Nico just shrugged again.

"Um, guys?" Will interrupted. "Not to break up the clarification session, but I think Reyna should get her answer before Lewis bursts."

They all looked at Lewis and found he was holding his breath with cheeks puffed and eyes squeezed shut, as if not letting the answer slip out was a difficult task that took all his concentration.

"Okay." Nico glanced at everyone in turn and then stepped around and sat down next to Reyna. "Let's get some information so that when we actually start this mission we don't lose a person in the first five minutes."

The grim humor was all that was necessary to sit everyone down- even a reluctant Ceceil- and listen to what the little snake child had to say. 

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