Chapter 13

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Hey guys. I totally realized something amazing today. Have any of you heard the song mix of 'I'm Walking on Sunshine' and 'Halo' by Glee? Well that song is perfect for Will and Nico. Like, I can imagine Will singing 'Halo' and Nico singing 'I'm Walking on Sunshine' and being adorable dorks with fantastic voices. Well, maybe not Will. But he just has to say like six words.


"You okay?"

Will didn't look up.


His hand remained on his face, covering the long scratches the chicken had gouged into his skin.


"Yeah, okay, I got it. I'm fine," he sighed softly. "Just give my pride a moment to recover."

Nico laughed quietly. "It wasn't that bad."

"It went for the freckles, di Angelo. The freckles." Will took in a huge breath and then dragged the hand down his face to wipe away a bit of the blood leaking from his cheeks.

Nico smirked and raised an eyebrow as Will stood up and looked forward. He seemed to be pouting slightly, clenching his teeth from the dull sting of the scratches.

"It was scary, Nico," he said dully.

"I know, Will," he replied lightly.

"It went right at my face."


"So it doesn't mat-"

"You screamed like a little child."

Will glared at him with the strongest gaze he had.

"It was scary," he explained again.

"A little child, Solace." Nico glanced him up and down. "A child scared for their life."

He groaned. "Fine! Yes! A little child. I scream like a little child when I am scared, now you know. Hope that little factoid interested you."

Nico glanced at the ground for a second and said almost before Will finished his sentence, "It was kind of cute."

That stopped him dead in his tracks.

"S-sorry?" Will stuttered, a blush creeping up his face.

"You're scream, it was almost endearing." Nico blinked and laughed quietly. "But you should probably stop blushing, Will. The blood is starting to run."

Will scowled and swiped at his injuries, glancing up at the trees next to the arena so that he wouldn't have to look into Nico's eyes. The quiver was still wrapped around his waist and the bow was in his right hand, but Will was done with target practice for the day. He just wanted to get back to his cabin and try not to die for the rest of the day. Reasonable goal, was it not?

"I think I'll just go to the infirmary now, if you don't mind Nico," Will stated, gripping his bow a little tighter.

Nico smiled and stepped aside, saying, "But, Solace! You should go hunt the creature! Get revenge on the savage beast." He stuffed his pale hands into his jean pockets and rocked back on his heels as Will stalked past, scowling from the pain.

"I think I've had enough of that beast for the day, thank you very much," he replied, taking a few more steps away from Nico.

"Aw, come on Solace!" he called out after him. "Don't be a-" Nico paused and Will could hear the smirk. "Chicken."

He actually had to stop and force himself not to smile. Not to laugh. He would not give that taunting boy the satisfaction. Turning around slowly, Will managed to control his smile and say, "Now, now, di Angelo. You shouldn't say something so cold."

ButterfliesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora