~Chapter 27~ Army Life and Royalty

Start from the beginning

"It's about time that you are here," Marithia said, his voice cracking. "Go with your master, he will tell you what you are doing." I nodded, bowing and walking out of the tent. Mounting Fury, I turned away and started to ride towards the camp entrance. Halt met up with me and we rode a good distance from the camp before anyone spoke.

"Are we just going to take off? We could make it to Castle Araulan before anyone notices." Halt nodded, grabbing his pack and taking out a bar of dried nuts. He took a bite before he answered.

"That is what we will do. Marithia will not send anyone after us for a few days, giving us a head start. You think he would have realized what our cloaks were, but I obviously gave him more credit than he deserved." I chuckled, starting at a gallope to our destination, the magical Castle Araulan. Hours and hours passed as we rode along an abandoned trade rode that was along the edge of the forest. Only armies and travellers used this rode now adays. I slouched in my saddle, pulling up my cowl to keep the sun off of my face. It always seemed that around noon, the sun wanted to burn everything, and no one knew why. Sighing, I shifted in my saddle and stretched my arms. I sighed again. Halt, who seemed to be getting annoyed with me, shot me a look.

"What?!" I exclaimed, my voice rising in volume. I was grouchy today, and I didn't know why. Halt turned to face me in his saddle, Abelard still ambling along the rode.

"Stop sighing. You are getting on my nerves. If your bored, count the trees we ride past." Halt said, glaring at me with angry eyes. (I've always liked to make him glare, it's rather fun.) I shrugged, and started counting. One... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight... nine... ten... I stopped after ten because I didn't want to count any more. I once again sighed. I grabbed my bow and sighed one last time, but caught myself.

"Sorry..." I muttered, laying my head on Fury's neck. Boredom was quickly replaced with drowsiness, and I closed my eyes. Before I knew it, we were approaching the gates into Castle Araulan. I lifted my head in awe, staring at the massive gates that towered over head. In the diatance I could hear the quiet noise of the market. Shifting my bow on my lap, I clicked my tounge and trotted Fury towards the inn where Abelard was. When I walked in, it was like nothing I had seen before. Lamps on every table, pictures adorning the walls, and menus hung above the bar. By my standards, this was fancy. I walked over to Halt, my mourh opened with awe.

"Stop gawking." Halt whispered sternly, sipping a fresh cup of coffee.

"When will we see King Duncan? " I whispered back, sitting beside him. I was excited, and my face showed it.

"When ever I finish my coffee in peace!" He hissed back, scowling at me. I scowled back, going outside and mounting Fury. If he won't take me to see the king, I'll go see him myself. I tuened Fury in the direction of the castle and took off. After a short ten minute ride, I reaches the gates of the walls. I dismounted, leading Fury behind me as I walked towards the big throne room doors. (There is a door to the throne room outside, you never know when you want fresh air.) Two of the guards at the door stopped me.

"Halt in the name of the king." The first one said, which made me laugh. "What is so funny child?!" He demanded, face growing red with anger.

"Nothing sir." I managed to squeak out. He eyed me cautiously, allowing his partner to speak.

"Who are you and what buisness do you have with the king?" Thw guard asked, glancing at his friend. They are afraid of me, I thought.

"I'm Ranger Keira, apprentice to-" I was cut off by a voice behind me. I turned to see who it was, and I was shocked. King Duncan strolled towards me and looked me up and down.

"I couldn't help over hearing that you are Ranger Keira, apprenticed to my dear friend Ranger Halt. Where is he?" I bowed, remembering what Halt had told me about manners.

"I am Ranger Keira, Your Majesty. Ranger Halt is in the inn down the street drinking some coffee. Shall I fetch him?" I asked,my voice gentle yet firm. Kind Duncan shook his head.

"No no, that won't be necessary. John, go to the inn and fetch Ranger Halt.," The man named John nodded, running down the street. "Come with me Keira." I followed him, and we went into the throne room. I stood in front of the throne, remembering how Halt said to never sit in a king's presence. Of course, unless he gave you permission. The door to the room opened and Halt walked in. He looked at me, then bowed to the king.

"Your Majesty..." Halt began.


Hope that you enjoyed this lovely chapter. It has been the a while since I updated, and I'm sorry about that. Next update to come in the next few weeks. How do you like it so far? Remember to comment, read, vote, and I do say fan!

A Ranger's Apprentice for life. (A Ranger's Apprentice FanFic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now