If one of you were given immortality what would you do? @Rome/Frost Bite

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Percy: You already know my answer.

Annabeth: I'd probably reject it. I'd wanna stay with Percy.

Piper: No offense Jason but I'd probably accept it. I'd become the goddess of voices.

Percy: Is that even a thing?

Piper: IT IS NOW

Percy: Okaaaaaay then.

Jason: If I was immortal I'd try to give back to some demigods for their hard work.

Frank: I don't know what I'd do.

Hazel: I'd become the goddess of gems and riches


Annabeth: No.

Annabeth: If I had to be a goddess though I'd probably be the goddess of books

Percy: You have an obsession

Annabeth: *yells from corner surrounded by books* NO I DON'T!

Percy: If I had to be a god I'd be the God of blue food!!!!

Piper: Of course you would

Zeus: *from Olympus* I can't believe we offered this guy immortality.

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