My Other Short Stories 1

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"Do you have a lock on the target?" The General man called from his post in the watchtower. Tony was breathing heavily, and his voice was heard briefly before disappearing once again. "Yes." Tony managed. "Good," The General said. "Take the shot." Tony froze, he had never fired his cannon before. He was nervous and scared that he would mess it all up. He had been working for years, training for the wars. Tony had left his family in Green Bay, Wisconsin, his wife calling out after him something that had stumped him for years. Until now, he finally understood what she had meant when she said, "Don't screw up with the cannon Tony."

Tony leapt up from his hiding position unknowingly, struck with realization. Tony's wife was psychic, he was going to mess it all up no matter what. He now knew that he had to sacrifice himself for the greater good. The enemy shot at him, the General was screaming on the other side of the walkie-talkie, but Tony fought through. "The greater good!" He yelled, as he fell to the ground. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. Tony was gone, but the wars were over. The enemy also fell to the ground, as if Tony were so amazing that when he died, they felt so sad they died as well. A few days later, the General wore his best suit to deliver the news to Tony's family. The children were outside playing and when they saw the General their faces lit up and they ran inside to get their mother.

Darlene, Tony's wife, ran up to the General in tears. She hugged him, the children stood behind her crying as well. "When..." Darlene began to say, but she trailed off. "When what?" The General asked her politely. "When will my husband be back from the wars?" Darlene answered. "M'am...your husband Tony," The General said not sure how to deliver the news. "My husband what? What about him?" Darlene asked hopefully. The General didn't want to tell her what really happened, but he didn't want to lie either. Darlene held her children's hands, their small faces looking right at him. "Your husband has...been cheating on you with a man named George, he will not be coming home." The General said quickly. Before anyone could even breathe, he turned around and ran to his army tank and whirled away.


A long time ago- in 2010- a stupid boy with green hair was walking to the lake. Now, when I say stupid boy I don't mean that all boys are stupid. I mean yeah, I'm a feminist but that doesn't mean that I'm against male rights. Plus I'm a duck but it's not like I don't respect human rights, I am still a citizen of these here United Americas. Anyways, today I met this stupid green haired boy, who, by the way, is named Mateo. He's Canadian. Now, Mateo is apparently on vacation with his family, the Siracha's. I immediately knew he was...different...when instead of bread he brought me Starbucks. He loves Starbucks. Mateo was walking down to the lake, his Starbucks in hand, as I watched him. I was intrigued by him when I saw his majestic green hairdo. When he reached the lake he just stared out into the blue abyss of watery nothingness. I waddled up next to him, but he didn't see me cos I'm super smol. "Hello, Mateo." I said. It was weird though because he never told me his name. Then Mateo screamed, picked me up, and drop kicked me into the lake. Probably because I knew his name, and not because I'm a duck who can talk. Because why would you drop kick a talking duck into a super deep lake where they would surely die. And I for sure died.

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