#21- An Odd Goodbye

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Well, I think I should be good to go.

"Where are you going, Charley?" Chad asked.

I'm actually ending this book. I haven't written in a while and I think it's time to take a new direction!

"You can't leave right now!" Chad yelled.

I know it might be a little sad, but it's a lot harder on me. It's been really fun creating characters and super weird situations. I just feel like I should do this.

"What? I don't care about that! I mean this chapter is an odd number. You can't end a book on an odd chapter number! Not again!"

Chadley, calm down please. I'm sure no one else will be upset about that. It's not that big of a deal.

"Okay maybe not for you, but that's because you don't understand the true meaning!" Chad explained.

Well, if it matters to you that much, why don't you enlighten me on this oh-so-important topic.

"This time a year ago I turned 21! See, it's not just that you're ending on an odd number, it's what happened relating to that number."

So, you turned 21? Why is that a big deal?

"I got hammered and tried to rob McDonalds with a spray bottle and a baby tooth. Don't ask how I got the tooth."

I'm sure people here may have turned 21 once and drank too much, but I'm also sure you're the only one who's done that.

"Maybe so. However, you have to think about eVeRyOnE's feelings." Chad said, a bit more darkly than I would have felt comfortable with.

Come ON, Chad! The world doesn't revolve around you and your alcoholic choices.

"Do you see that tree over there?" Chad asked.

Yeah it's a pretty cool tree.

"Last week me and a bunch of guys got drunk and threw up all on that tree."

Chad that's disgusting.

"Yeah I know! That never would have happened if we didn't turn 21. See? All of this can be avoided!"

Listen to me, Chad. Look at my face. You can't not grow older. If we could than everyone would already be up in that biz. So you will turn 21. I will end this book on an odd chapter, and you can bet your bucket had and weed socks it will be chapter twenty-frickin-one.


For real though. This book is ending. I hope you had a fun time. I know I did. Lots of laughs.

But we haven't seen an update since sliced bread and it's had its run.

I'll see you ROUUUUND TOWWN.

Look alive sunshine.

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