#5- A New Beginning??

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I'm sitting on the ground with my hands in my lap. My legs are folded underneath me in an attempt to appear smaller. I'm also too afraid to move them. It's very dark and the trees around me barely make sound as they waver in the wind. The man who brought me here, whoever he was, didn't seem to be coming back anytime soon. He had told me to stay put, to wait for him.

There is little to no hope of my parents going and looking for me. I'm seventeen after all. They probably think I went out with friends or something. Or snuck out, but either way they wouldn't care. They never cared.

The wind is picking up now. My dark hair, though fairly short, still swishes around my face. I don't dare move to fix it. I close my eyes. Hopefully someone comes and finds me before it gets any darker. Last time I checked it was eleven thirty, but I don't know how long it's been. It's moderately light out, however. The moon shines through the trees and I can still see what's in front of me. Not much to see, though. Just trees.

It's been even longer now. My legs are extremely cramped and all I want to do is stand up and stretch them out. I turn my head and look around. No one. I sigh and face palm internally. Of course there isn't anyone here. The man was probably long gone by now. I guess he didn't know he was kidnapping an idiot. I pull my legs out from under me and slowly stand.

I lean back and stretch my back and then my arms and legs. I spin in a slow circle trying to decide where I was brought in from. If I can't figure this much out how am I supposed to know how to get home? It's no use. The trees make a full circle around this clearing with no clear entrance. If there isn't an entrance...how did the man even get in here?

I begin to walk around the area, thinking deeply about this. It's more than likely not that big of a deal, but I have nothing else to do at the moment. Suddenly I have an idea, maybe he climbed in the trees. It's not like I would know anyways. I was blinded and tied up when I was brought here. All I knew was the stranger was a man. I had heard his menacing voice. I trudged over to one of the tall trees.

I scanned my eyes through the the mess of branches and leaves. Something glowing a bright yellow color caught my eye. I squinted and craned my neck up to try to get a better look. Suddenly, a pair of eyes were staring into mine. The bright yellow I had seen were a pair of eyes. "Took you long enough." They said with a smile. It was the man. I tried to breathe but it caught it my throat. "I-I," Stammering and fear stricken, I couldn't find anything to say. "Yes, you! You get to come with me." He said.

Hallo! So this story is pretty different from my other short stories in this book. I want to write another Creepypasta story like Charlotte because it seemed to do well and I really enjoyed it. I wrote this as a little poll type of thing. I want you to tell me which Creepypasta to write about. That will be who "the man" is. Please comment what you think and maybe ask some other peoples for their opinion! Thank you so so much!

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